| | | | | Enhancing Your Worship through Gift-Giving By Wendy Díaz When the last ten nights of Ramadan are drawing near and Eid-u-Fitr is in sight, Muslims may not only be thinking about how to increase their worship but also planning how they will celebrate the end of the fasting month. Buying Eid presents is a common way we celebrate and express our happiness with those we love. Giving and receiving gifts are recommended acts in the Islamic tradition, not only for holidays, but all year-round. During Ramadan, however, the essence of generosity is even more pronounced and exchanging presents holds a special significance. |
| | | Parenting Tip During this last week of Ramadan, families are scrambling on two fronts: to catch the greatest rewards for Laylatul-Qadr, the Night of Power, and to make preparations for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr. There is LOTS to do and so little time! |
| | | Essential 16 Things You Can Do on the Night of Power By Abdul Malik Mujahid Laylatul Qadr, the 27th night of Ramadan is also referred to as the Night of Power. In the Quran it is described as, "better than a thousand months" (Surah Al-Qadr, 97:3). Any action done on this night such as reciting the Quran, remembering Allah, engaging in acts of worship, and/or giving in charity, is better than acting for one thousand months! Allah's Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time. Here are 16 essential tips to maximize the chance of gaining the full rewards of the best night of all. |
| | | Inspiration “Through Allah’s Name Al-Qareeb, we know that Allah (swt) is near all of His creation—those who believe in Him and those who don’t. However, one of the most joyous feelings in this world is to consciously experience that nearness. Despite who you are with, where you are, or what circumstances you are in, having the feeling that Allah (swt) is near you and is aware of everything that you’re going through and everything that you’re longing for at that given moment, is comforting beyond words.” Amaney Kazlak, My Beloved: A series of reflections on the Names and Attributes of Allah in everyday life |
| | | My Beloved: Reflecting on the Names and Attributes of Allah, Part 4 By Laura El Alam There are many resources that we turn to during Ramadan to enhance both our understanding, worship, and connection to Allah. Writer Laura El Alam has shared one of them - My Beloved: A series of reflections on the Names and Attributes of Allah in everyday life - in a four-part series. In Part 4, author Amaney Kazlak shares stories from her own hajj, incorporating and explaining four more of Allah’s names Al-Hadi, Al-Qareeb, Al-Lateef, As-Sitteer, and Allah. Focusing on these attributes can bring about renewed respect and love for Allah that also motivates action to please Him. |
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| | Quranic Guidance Allah says in the Quran: “Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:274) |
| | | Preparing Your Body for the Last Nights of Ramadan By Tabaayah Qazi As the second third of Ramadan starts, every fasting Muslim is eagerly seeking the last ten nights. The spiritual high of Taraweeh (night prayers) and Qiyaam (late night prayers after midnight) we experience is unparalleled to any other prayer of the rest of the year. The focus of this article is to discuss how to prepare our bodies health wise so we can enjoy the most benefit and fully participate in worship individually, as a family, and as a congregation. First, it is important to understand how our bodies typically react physically to the first 20 days of fasting. Next, it is important to make a plan of action to maximize hydration, step up nutrition, and engage in exercise to build strength and stamina. |
| | | | Book Review: 'Tis the Night Before Eid By Miriam Mohamed The last days of Ramadan are bittersweet with the knowledge that another year must pass until we are blessed with the opportunity to experience the sacred month again. However, the joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr is right around the corner!‘Tis the Night Before Eid by Yasmin Rashidi is a delightful rhyming story that celebrates and reflects on the blessings of Ramadan and the excitement and anticipation of Eid-ul-Fitr. While the title and some of the rhymes are a direct nod to the Christmas classic, this story follows a Muslim family enjoying their last iftar, praying the last night of taraweeh at the mosque, all with the bittersweet emotion of something beautiful coming to an end but the preparation and excitement for Eid also to come. |
| | | | Ramadan offers special memories for families and many of them revolve around making and eating good food. As a special feature of our online children’s classes – Adam’s World Club and Colors of Islam Clubs – we have been sharing delicious and nutritious recipes that are also fun to make and encourage family bonding. Check out this recipe for No-Bake Cheesecakes. They are easy to whip and will be loved by the entire family! |
| | | | | Quran Buddy Series: Laylat al-Qadr Sound Vision has produced a series of more than 30 short videos that focus attention on one ayah from the Quran. In the Quran Buddy videos, Adam helps children understand how to apply Allah’s guidance to every day life. In Episode 21, we focus attention on Laylat al-Qadr, The Night of Power, and the amazing blessings that night can bring. Check all of the Quran Buddy videos 24/7 on our AdamsWorldApp. |
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| | | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. |
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