
It's not easy to be a young Muslim today. We, therefore, provide help:

  • For Children, we produce Adam's World. A generation is raised on it
  • For Youth, we have a 24/7 crisis text line. It saved 3 lives.
  • For Parents, we have MUSLIM HOMES a weekly tip-oriented newsletter
  • For Masjids, we have a YOUTH MANUAL for masjids to follow and many do
  • For Teachers, we offer training on dealing with young Muslims

It is because of YOU we have produced 5,000 pages worth of tips & guides. 

This Ramadan while donating think of OUR FUTURE: OUR CHILDREN. Please donate today to Sound Vision Foundation.

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The Quran Is Our Gift

By C. Islaah Abd’al-Rahim

It was on a special night during the blessed month of Ramadan that Allah began to send down the Quran to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. It was on that night that Allah gave us the best gift of guidance. This is the book that is the cure and the relief from all trials. It is the rest at the beginning, during, and at the end of our journeys. It is the hope after our hopelessness and the calm after our personal and societal storms. Learn more about this special gift and also basic principles we should keep in mind as we engage with the Quran.


 Parenting Tip

In our fourth and final week of Ramadan, we push to make the most of our days and nights, especially to catch Laylatul Qadr. Develop strategies to juggle the load and the physical fatigue that comes with it.


Keep the Tongue Moist with Daily Dhikr

By Melissa Barreto

This Ramadan, writer Melissa Barreto was determined to build more dhikr, remembrance of Allah, into her daily routines. While the physical act of remembering Allah is small, it is also an act that brings substantial rewards, including purity and calm to the hearts, a deeper relationship with Allah, and specific benefits for our life in the Hereafter, inshaAllah. Learn more about how you can make the most of this practice in Ramadan and beyond.


Islamic Guidance

“... Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.” 

(Surah Ar-Rad, 13:28)


Warmups and Stretches for Ramadan’s Special Prayers

By Sumayya Khan

Having aching feet and tight back muscles after standing too long in taraweeh prayer? InshaAllah, God-willing, these aches and pains will be rewarded as they result from actions done to please Allah. Writer Sumayya Khan has some tips to help relieve you of these physical challenges leading into the special Ramadan prayers that require long bouts of standing, bowing, and prostrating.



Live your life like everyday is Ramadan and the akhirah will become your Eid!


Muslim Women Confront the Menstruation Taboo

​​By Laura El Alam

In many cultures, the topic of menstruation is treated as taboo and the negative references and practices leave women feeling dirty, confused, and ashamed. Writer Laura El Alam interviewed three Muslim women who share their reflections on how they and their families deal with the topic of menstruation – and women’s temporary exemption from fasting – during Ramadan. Learn how these women have made a conscious effort to change the way they handle the topic with their own children.


Yemeni Shafoot

Shafoot is a refreshing dish filled with a variety of green vegetables and is a staple Yemeni households during Ramadan. The dairy complements the greens and creates a delicious combination for the taste buds. Traditionally lahooh (a Yemeni pancake) is used but writer Miriam Mohamed’s family prefers wheat pita bread and loves how it absorbs the liquid of the dish. Try it for your family.


Book Review: Sadiq and the Ramadan Gift

​​By Umm Ahmed

While DIY crafts and home decor can play a crucial role in fostering our children’s love and interest in Ramadan, books can also be a powerful tool in inspiring and captivating young minds. A thoughtful collection of books can help children explore the beauty and meaning of this blessed month, while also developing their literacy skills and expanding their understanding of cultural practices observed around the world. Writer Umm Ahmed was thrilled to find a great addition to her home library in Sadiq and the Ramadan Gift by Siman Nuurali. Read more about it here.


Online Resources

Festive Eid Dishes from Around the World - This article provides a lovely array of traditional favorites that are served on Eid day around the world.

Make Sincere Dua for Laylatul Qadr - There are a number of tips in this article to assist you in raising your hands in duaa on the Night of Power.

Children in the Masjid: Making Space for our Future - There are lots of tips in this article that can help mitigate the struggle parents encounter when children are not welcome.

5 Guidelines for the Distribution of Zakat Funds - Read about the details to ensure your Zakat is properly applied.

Resources Available Now:

8 Trainings we offerYouth Programs at Sound Vision
Guides for ImamsTips for Parenting
Colors of Islam Interactive Islamic Classes
Muslim Network TVMuslimFestTalent Hunt
Crisis Text Line:  Text SALAM to 741741Youth Manual
Exhibit on the Prophet's Peace Movement
Download Islamic Nasheed (Spiritual hymns) by Dawud Wharnsby


Adam’s World Video:  Adam Learns Dhikr

Adam has some poor ants trapped in a jar and is just about to zap them with his magnifying glass and the sun when Aneesah comes to the rescue. She reminds his of kindness to all living beings and how there’s a special chapter in the Quran dedicated to the ants. The Arabic letter “qaf” and the English letter “Q” are showcased for Quran. A beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called Animals Love Quran complements the episode. (6:19)


Online Children's Classes for Ramadan Start TODAY!

During the entire month of Ramadan, creative hosts will engage students with games, stories, songs, art and movement activities, cooking demonstrations, and more! Keep your children busy and inspired to learn to love Allah and be proud to follow His guidance.

Our Race4Rewards online children’s classes will target two different age groups:

Adam’s World Club classes are designed for children ages 4-7

Live online classes will take place Monday-Friday from 6-6:30pm EDT. 

Colors of Islam Club classes are designed children ages 8-12

Live online classes will take place on Saturday and Sunday from 12-1:30pm EDT. 

Visit for more details and to register online. 


Muslim Home subscribers are treated to a gift for Ramadan! 

Use coupon code MuslimHome15 for a 15% discount! 


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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