
It's not easy to be a young Muslim today. We, therefore, provide help:

  • For Children, we produce Adam's World. A generation is being raised on it.
  • For Youth, we have a 24/7 crisis text line. It saves lives.
  • For Parents, we have MUSLIM HOME, a weekly tip-oriented newsletter. It supports families.
  • For Masjids, we have a YOUTH MANUAL. Many mosques take advantage of it.
  • For Teachers, we offer training. It suggests updated curriculum and tips for dealing with young Muslims.

It is because of YOU we have produced 5,000 pages worth of tips and guides. 

This Ramadan while donating, think of OUR CHILDREN, OUR FUTURE. Please donate today to Sound Vision Foundation.

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10 Simple Plans for Eid

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

You can eliminate last-minute stress and accelerate the festive part of our holiday by making plans for Eid in advance. This is especially important if you have children,  want them to have fun, and need their cooperation throughout the day. Here is a nice checklist:

  1. Get everyone involved in the planning.
  2. Decorate the house for Eid.
  3. Dress the part.
  4. Rehearse the Eid Takbeer.
  5. Plan for gift giving.
  6. Make it a teachable moment.
  7. Make sure food is part of the festivities.
  8. Organize a family road trip.
  9. Plan for family play time.
  10. Share your blessings.

 Parenting Tip

The last days of Ramadan are here and now the attention turns to preparations for Eid. Get some tips on how to plan ahead, focus on the details, and ensure everyone has an opportunity to celebrate!


8 Eid Day Celebration Mood Boosters

By Samana Siddiqui

It’s amazing how Eid day celebrations can go from exciting to exacerbating in just seconds. All it takes is for just one person to react angrily or decide to sulk for the rest of the day and the whole atmosphere is ruined. While we can’t change a person’s temperament or bad habits in a day, we can try to plan ahead to avoid those things or situations which set them off. Here are some simple ways to have a happier holiday this year.


Islamic Guidance

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: 

“Give gifts to one another, you will love each other.” 

(Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 594)


How To's of Eid Day and Eid ul-Fitr Salat

By Samana Siddiqui

The first day of the tenth Islamic lunar month, Shawwal, is Eid ul-Fitr. It marks the end of Ramadan, and it is a day of celebration and giving thanks to Allah. Most Muslims celebrate Eid for at least three days. Be mindful of the practices of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, related to what to do on the day of Eid and how to make the Eid prayer.



“Like the sun that sets at the end of the day, so too will Ramadan come and go, leaving only its mark on our heart’s sky.”

Yasmine Mogahed


Book Review: Serving Up Some Eid Empanadas

​​By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Like many of her previous works, author Wendy Díaz shares the beauty of her Puerto Rican roots using colorful Spanish vocabulary in her latest book Eid Empanadas. The story follows Omar Hernandez, a 4th grader who has moved to a new school and is feeling left out. Find out how Eid empanadas open the door for more than just a delicious Latin American treat (and check out the author’s family recipe for empanadillas).


Online Resources

30 Ideas for Eid Decorations - This video has some great DIY decoration ideas that can make your home more festive for Eid. (2:57)

What Is Eid ul-Fitr? - This Behind the News video is made just for kids and is a great explanation of both Ramadan and Eid. (3:30)

Hassan and Aneesa Celebrate Eid - This is a read along of the popular book on Eid ul-Fitr. (4:19)


Adam’s World Video:  Eid Mubarak, Adam!

Adam and Aneesah are SUPER excited for Eid. The moon has been sighted and they are making plans for henna, decorations, special foods, their best outfits, and how to share the blessings of Eid with their friends and neighbors. The Arabic letter “ayn” and English letter “E” are showcased for Eid. And Dawud Wharnsby’s beautiful nasheed These Are the Days of Eid! adds to the excitement. (8:32)


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

Resources Available Now:

8 Trainings we offerYouth Programs at Sound Vision
Guides for ImamsTips for Parenting
Colors of Islam Interactive Islamic Classes
Muslim Network TVMuslimFestTalent Hunt
Crisis Text Line:  Text SALAM to 741741Youth Manual
Exhibit on the Prophet's Peace Movement
Download Islamic Nasheed (Spiritual hymns) by Dawud Wharnsby

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