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Five Resources That Inspired Me to Love Islam

By Laura El Alam

When writer Laura El Alam was a new Muslim, the pickings were pretty slim. There were not many high-quality Islamic books written in English, and the internet was still in its infancy. For every Islamic topic she searched online, she found as much misinformation as actual truth. Today, there is a wealth of information at our disposal – high-quality websites, videos, lectures, and books that provide accurate and engaging Islamic content. When thinking about the many resources that inspired her to love Islam, five works that immediately come to mind.


 Parenting Tip

Each week, our team of amazing Muslim Home writers conducts research, reflects on personal experiences, and crafts articles to enrich our readers on the topic at hand. This week, we are featuring all of our favorite Islamic resources. You might also find these resources helpful and inspiring for you and your children.


These Are the Books That Convinced Me to Become Muslim

By Wendy Díaz

Writer Wendy Díaz is a firm believer in allowing children to follow their own inherent curiosity and thirst for knowledge, as this can act as a guiding light along their spiritual path. She knows this from personal experience, as an avid reader and convert to Islam. In this article, she shares seven of the books that played a pivotal role in convincing her to embrace Islam while she was still in her teens. They may be also be beneficial for other Muslim and non-Muslim children during their years of heightened independence and exploration. 



“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.”

 Naeem Callaway, Founder of Get Out The Box Inc., an organization dedicated to educating and mentoring at-risk youth in low income and rural communities


My Favourite Islamic Resource: "Reclaim Your Heart"

By Sumayya Khan

Whenever writer Sumayya Khan felt that hardship was taking a toll, leaving her spiritually bereft and hopeless, Yasmin Mogahed’s book Reclaim Your Heart provided the naseehah or spiritual advice and encouragement to renew both hope and tawwakul, trust and reliance in Allah and His Plans. The book is divided into sections of broad topics titled attachments, love, hardships, relationship to the Creator, women’s status, the ummah, and her own poetry. In this review, she takes a closer look at three.


Islamic Guidance

Abu Musa reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: 

“Verily, the parable of the guidance and knowledge that Allah Almighty sent with me is the likeness of rain falling upon the earth. Among them is a good group which receives the water and thus there is abundant growth of herbage and grass. Among them is a barren land which retains the water and thus Allah benefits people from it; they drink from it and graze their animals. And it falls upon another group which is only abysmal; it does not retain water, nor does herbage grow. Such is the parable of one who understands the religion of Allah and benefits from what Allah sent with me; he learns and he teaches. Such is the parable of one who does not raise his head and does not accept the guidance Allah sent with me.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari #79)


The Clear Quran Tafsir for Kids Is a Great Resource for the Entire Family

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

As Muslim parents, we are responsible for teaching their children about Allah and our religion as a way of life. We use our knowledge, understanding, and the best resources we can find – scholars and teachers, tafsir or explanation, and tools like books, audio tapes, and videos – to assist in that process. Learn more about two publications designed to endear young children to the Quran – The Clear Quran Tafsir for Kids – that should be part of every family’s Islamic toolbox.


Book Review: Prayers of the Pious

By Melissa Barreto

Prayers of the Pious not just another text about the prescription for dua. Instead, world renowned scholar Sh. Omar Suleiman paints a picture about the beautiful impact that dua can have in your life and encourages you to fill your own duas with heart and sincerity. He also provides glimpses into the lives of the individuals who made these duas. Writer Melissa Barreto reviews the book and suggests that there are many lessons to learn and put into practice.


Interesting Facts

An article published by The Horn Book, a children’s literature advocacy organization, reveals interesting research findings on the topic of children’s books written by and for Muslims.

  • Over the course of the last few years, there has been a considerable increase of Muslim representation in mainstream publishing.
  • Some of these books are by Muslim authors and explore stories of Muslim lived experiences; others are written by non-Muslim authors and include Muslim characters and settings. 
  • Current trends within Muslim children’s literature point toward a diversification of genres, more stories from underrepresented Muslim ethnicities, and a celebration of Muslim identities that challenge the stereotypes of Muslims as a monolith. 
  • Another encouraging trend is the increased diversity of representation within Muslim communities, with emerging Black, Bangladeshi, Egyptian, Palestinian, Malaysian, Somalian, and Uzbek authors writing their stories. 
  • The rise of book banning in the U.S. and increased Islamophobia around the world underline the greater need for more books that can combat hate with empathy.

For more information, read the entire article We Need Diverse Muslim and Jewish Books: An Update.


Online Resources

Picture Books: Identity+Building a Sense of Self - This is a wonderful collection of books that feature strong Muslim characters.

Book Review: “Hidden Blessings” Sheds Light on Tests and Trials - This is a great resource to turn to help with self-reflection and provide nasihah when times are tough.

Quran Stories for Little Hearts - The Quran is filled with exciting stories and adventures that show Allah’s love for us. This series produced by Goodword Books for Kids is designed especially for young children. 

Justice For All: Advocacy on a Global Scale - This is an article on the global advocacy organization called Justice for All.


Adam’s World Video:  Adam's Garden

Adam and Aneesah are working in their garden when they learn how dhikr grows one’s garden in Jannah. The Arabic letter “jeem” for Jannah is featured. A nice nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called “Alhamdulillah, SubhanAllah, InshaAllah” complements the lesson. (6:45)


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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