|  | |  | The Prophet's Empowerment of Youth By Miriam Mohamed When we reflect on the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, we see a remarkable commitment to nurturing and empowering the youth of his time. He recognized their potential, valued their voices, and played a pivotal role in shaping their lives positively. One inspiring example is the story of Zaid ibn Thabit, may Allah be pleased with him, who was just 13 years old when he approached the Prophet with a desire to participate in the Battle of Badr. Although he could not join the battle, the Prophet was impressed by Zaid's enthusiasm and encouraged him to study Hebrew and Syriac. He would become one of the Prophet’s trusted scribes and interpreters at a young age. |
| | | Parenting Tip Parents need to work hard to support the growth and empowerment of their children at every age, but there can be even more challenges when our toddlers turn into teens and young adults. Being mindful of Islamic guidance, listening to needs and concerns, and finding creative community activities can help. |
| |  | The Importance of Maintaining Friendships as a Young Adult, and How Parents Can Help By Uthman Guadalupe Keeping positive friendships is essential in a young adult’s life. They allow young adults to share their interests with other people, develop social skills, and overall give them a sense of belonging. For parents, being mindful of who your child spends time with is beneficial, as it gives you a doorway into your child’s life. Encourage your child to spend time with good people and to participate in activities that will benefit them in the long run. Leading your child down a path of success will not only help them, but will also strengthen the bond between you for years to come, inshaAllah, God willing. |
| | | Inspiration “Youth is the canvas upon which the masterpiece of tomorrow is painted.” Earl Coleman, Atlanta Realtor |
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|  | Creating Safe and Empowering Spaces for Youth Voices By Miriam Mohamed There are many examples of youth programming throughout the country that seek to empower Muslim youth and are warmly embraced by students, parents, and community members alike. Writer and community activist Miriam Mohamed had the opportunity to attend a recent event organized by the Arab American Action Network Youth Program in the Chicago area. Café Intifada is a program for youth aged 14 to 18 is a model for others to follow. Learn more about this event and check out the elements that make for successful youth leadership development programs. |
| | | Islamic Guidance Abu al-‘Abbas ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him narrated: “One day I was riding (a horse/camel) behind the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, when he said, ‘Young man, I will teach you some words. Be mindful of God, and He will take care of you. Be mindful of Him, and you shall find Him at your side. If you ask, ask of God. If you need help, seek it from God. Know that if the whole world were to gather together in order to help you, they would not be able to help you except if God had written so. And if the whole world were to gather together in order to harm you, they would not harm you except if God had written so. The pens have been lifted, and the pages are dry.’” (Tirmidhi - Hadith 19, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi) |
| |  | Opening the Door of Friendship between Fathers and Teens By Hernán Guadalupe We are told time and time again that our children are an amanah or trust whom we must protect from evil and danger. Just as the shepherd does his flock, our goal is to guide, direct, and show them the correct path to ensure their safety and security. As parents, we play with and teach them as infants and young children and our parenting strategies necessarily change as they age, sometimes with significant changes during the teen years. Writer Hernán Guadalupe shares his experiences and insights on changes that he made to ensure a close bond and open communication with his teenage son. |
| | | Interesting Facts about Muslim Youth - According to the 2020 Institute for Social Policy and Understanding American Mosque Survey, 54% of adult Muslims in the United States are between the ages of 18-34. In addition, 24% of mosque participants are also in this age range.
- According to Pew Research Center, the global Muslim population is expected to remain relatively young for the next few decades. In 2011, the median age in Muslim-majority countries was 24, and was projected to increase to 30 by 2030, which is still lower than the median age in other regions like North America and Europe. By 2030, 29.1% of people between the ages of 15–29 are expected to be Muslim, up from 20% in 1990.
- According to research by Yaqeen Institute, some American Muslim youth may develop insecurities that lead them to try to create dual personalities. These children may distinguish between "American" and "Muslim" in their conversations, and may feel like they need to choose an identity based on their environment. According to the paper, 1 in 3 children may not want to tell others they are Muslim, and 1 in 6 may sometimes pretend not to be Muslim.
| |  | Dear Muslim Girls: Advice from the Heart Do you know how blessed you really are? You were chosen to come into this world for a great purpose by a Divine Creator Who wants you to succeed. He has given you tools to help you during this journey called life – a believing soul, a perfect body to house it in, a special talent that you have yet to discover, and the force of your faith. With these gifts, you will change the world. Learn more about the guidance Allah provides to men and women and how the lessons that Luqman gave to his son are relevant pieces of advice for our Muslim girls, too. |
| | | | | |  | Adam's World Video: It's a Salah-a-bration! Adam returns home from a Salah-a-bration party with lots of treats and excitement. He decided they should throw a party for Aneesah, too. Mama reminds both of them that the celebration is not just about fun but about reaching the age to pray five times a day. The Arabic letter “Saud” for Salat and the English letter “P” for Prayer are featured. A nice nasheed called Daily Prayers by Dawud Wharnsby complements the lesson. (9:48) |
| | |  | | Prerecorded classes are available all year to meet the needs of your family. |
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|  | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. |
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