3 Simple Ways to Make Back to School Spiritual

By Wendy Díaz

After a summer that seems to have flown by, our kids are gearing up for the grind of classwork, homework, extracurriculars, and those dreaded early mornings. Can we really blame them for the complaints? We have all been there—even the best students have had those days when all they wanted was stay cozy under the covers. Like it or not, learning is a part of life. With the right mindset, this season can be a chance for the entire family to center ourselves and nurture our spiritual well-being. Here are three simple ways to make back to school spiritually uplifting.


 Parenting Tip

The summer days are waning and families across the country are gearing up for a new school year. Changes in bedtime and morning schedules are in order as well as setting goals and readying yourselves - parents and children - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Taking Account: Reflecting on Education Goals for Our Kids

By Umm Ahmed

As we prepare to send our children back to school or fine-tune our homeschool curriculum for the start of another “school year,” it is important for parents to take a step back and wrestle with their own notions of education and success. These abstract ideas are essentially based on the belief that by enrolling our children in the best schools and universities or following the most innovative homeschooling curriculum, they will receive the best kind of education which will equip them to do something for themselves and others. But what is our ultimate purpose of this parenting responsibility?



“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”

Kofi Annan, Ghananian diplomat and former General Secretary of the United Nations




The Vital Role of Parental Involvement in Education

By Miriam Mohamed

In today’s rapidly changing world, one truth stands firm: parental involvement is crucial to a child’s success in both academics and personal growth. For Muslim families, this involvement is even more significant, blending educational support with the nurturing of our religious values. This partnership is essential in creating a thriving, inclusive educational environment and this involvement goes beyond mere academic support; it encompasses integrating our cultural and religious values into our children’s educational experience. Here are five important reasons to take assertive action to get involved at the beginning of the new school year.


Islamic Guidance

The young companion and servant of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah said: 

“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.”

(Sunan Ibn Majah)


Helping Your Child Avoid Stress in School

By Uthman Guadalupe

Going back to school after months of a laid-back summer vacation can be rough. In addition to changes in schedules and getting used to new teaches and students, worrying about school assignments can be stressful. How can you as a parent help your child manage their schoolwork and successfully avoid stress? Now is the time to review a few methods to fully optimize your child’s school experience so that they feel confident heading into this new school year. Addressing the challenges associated with procrastination are a great place to start.


Interesting Facts about Schools in the U.S.

  • There are 115,171 schools in the United States as of Q1 2024 (95,852 public schools and 19,329 private schools). 
  • There are 26,727 high schools, including public and private.
  • 64,311 are elementary schools in the United States as of 2024. 
  • There are 2,672 special education schools, while 410 schools are for adult education. 
  • The highest number of public elementary and secondary schools in 2022 was in California, with 10,325 schools in the state.
  • Delaware has the lowest number of public schools, with just 229 schools.
  • California has the highest number of K-12 students in the United States, with 6.86 million students enrolled. 
  • For more information, visit How Many Schools in the US? (2024 Statistics & Breakdown).

Helping Your Child Transition to a New School Year

By Umm Ahmed

Transition, particularly for the younger ones, can be daunting. It carries with it muddled feelings of excitement and nervousness - which may result in unexplainable changes in behavior, mood and appetite. Surprisingly, it is not the children alone who experience such feelings. As adults, we are equally prone to them. Recall switching jobs? First day at the new workplace? Having to adjust to a new neighborhood? Relocating? The only difference is that as parents, it is our children who seek validation for those feelings, through us. Here are some ways to help ease anxiety and allow for a smoother transition to the new school year.


Online Resources

Prophet Muhammad: Lessons from the Best Teacher - This is a wonderful reminder about all of the qualities of the best example we have to model.

Online Resources for Multidisciplinary Learning - Gather a listing of the best online resources to keep at your disposal during the school year.

Resources about Islam for Educators - There are many resources available about Muslims generally, including supplemental resources for teaching about 9/11.

Five Ways Every Parent Can Help Children Improve Social Skills - Before school starts, check out this article to learn how to help your child improve his/her social skills.


Adam's World Video: Adam's School Project

Adam makes a model of his favorite planet Mars and some cupcakes for school. When they mysteriously disappear, he has an opportunity to teach his little sister Aneesah a valuable lesson about making mistakes. The Arabic letter “Saud” for Sadeq and the English letter “H” for Honesty are featured. A nice nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called Everyone Makes Mistakes complements the lesson. (9:21)


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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