Managing the 4 C's of Online Safety for Children

By Umm Ahmed

We are witnesses to an ever-growing interdependence between gadgets and the use of the internet in our day-to-day lives, even for our children. A major cause for concern, particularly for parents with younger children, is now online safety. Learn more about the four risk areas that deserve your attention - content, contact, conduct, and contract - more commonly known as the 4 C’s of online safety.


 Parenting Tip

24/7 access to the internet poses all kinds of challengees for adults and children. The first step in keeping children safe online is to ensure that parents stay up-to-speed on technology, programs, and apps they are using and know the red flags that signal dangerous activity and practices.


What Parents Need to Know about Cyberbullying

By Miriam Mohamed

Increased use of technology does not come without risks. Youth can use electronic media to embarrass, harass, or threaten their peers. Increasing numbers of adolescents are becoming victims of this form of violence which is better known as cyberbullying. Learn more about the problem and what you can do about it.



“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

Christian Lous Lange, Norweigen historian, teacher, and political scientist




Smartphone Alternatives for Kids

By Melissa Barreto

While many parents don’t want to add more exposure or risk for their children, we need to have a safe way to reach and communicate with our children when we are apart. But is a smartphone really the best thing to hand over to our 8-year-old? Is it any safer for our 17-year-old? Find out about alternatives that have all of the bells and whistles but less of the dangers.


Quranic Guidance

“O Believers, save yourselves and your dependents’ from the fire whose fuel are humans and the stones …” 

(Surah At-Tahrim, 66:6)


Staying Abreast of Technological Advancements

By Umm Ahmed

Education is an ever-changing field as new research in neuropsychology within the realm of learning and memory is discovered and influences how we teach students. In the last 15 years, there has been an increase in the use of technology in classrooms. In some manner, we are still learning about the full effects it has on learning inside and outside of the classroom. Learn more about the benefits and disadvantages.


Did you know?

There are assumptions made about photos or videos online that can have devastating consequences. 

Myth: Deleting picture or videos from the web guarantees it is deleted forever. 

Myth: Deleting pics or vids from a digital camera or phone guarantees it is deleted forever. 

Myth: Simply deleting a picture or video from your computer deletes it forever. 

Myth: Nobody else can ever gain access to your “private” social media account.

Myth: Broadcasting from your webcam is always private and never being recorded.

Myth: Your actions while using the internet, cell phones, and other digital technologies have no effect on anyone else including your friends and family. 

For more resources related to online safety, visit Parenting Tips: Cyber Safety and Responsibility from the Institute for Responsible Online and Cellphone Communication.


Creating a Family Media Agreement

Let’s face it - we can’t be present every second our children are on an electronic device. The best way to make sure that expectations match real-world experiences is to create a Family Media Agreement. Developing a device contract can be an important catalyst for parents and children to discuss and agree upon what is acceptable and, more importantly, what is not acceptable.


Online Resources

Screen-Free Activities for Kids and Teens to Enjoy over the Summer - Keep this long list of fun screen-free activities handy; it is easy to use and organized by age.

FBI’s Parents Guide to Internet Safety - This is a comprehensive guide to educate parents about the dangers and the actions they can take to keep their children safe online.

Tips to Navigate the Digital Landscape - Here is a link to many useful resources provided by the Institute for Responsible Online and Cellphone Communication.

Top 50 High Risk Acronyms Parents Need to Know - Keeping children safe online also involves keeping parents up to date on the red flags.

Pornography Addiction: A Growing Problem for Muslim Families with Long-Term Consequences - There is much to be concerned about related to ready access to pornography online for children and for adults.


Adam's World Video: Adam Stands Up to the Bully

Adam finds out that two of his friends are being cyberbullied. He stands up to say enough and learners that  Allah supports our efforts to race together for all that is good. The Arabic letter “Khaa” for Khair and the English letter “G” for Good are featured. A nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called A Virus We Call Bullying complements the lesson. (9:19)


Prerecorded classes are available all year to meet the needs of your family.


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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