How to Teach Islam to Young Children

By Hernán Guadalupe

As we become parents, one of the greatest challenges that we have is raising our children to be good Muslims. My wife and I are Muslim converts and have made it our mission to expand our knowledge and understanding of this beautiful religion. We also come from Latin American countries where Islam is still in its early stages and we often stress about the lack of resources in our language. No matter these or other challenges, all parents must strive to teach our children about Islam and find ways to do so effectively.


 Parenting Tip

Taking care of young children is a 24/7 responsibility. In addition to their physical needs and attention to safety, from early on there is an opportunity to engage them in activities that support their emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth.


Raising a Risk Taker

By Umm Ahmed

As a parent, we often find ourselves dealing with risky behaviors, no matter what age or stage our children may be at. And, most likely than not, our nurturing instinct causes us to shield our children from taking these risks, freeing them of the likely bruises and bumps they may experience in the process. However, taking risks is essential for promoting holistic growth and development in our children.




“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

Albert Einstein, one of the most influential scientists of all time



Beyond Scribbles: Benefits of Cultivating a Child's Creativity

By Fatima Khan

Many parents turn to arts and craft activities for their children because they are fun and enjoyable. But there are even more reasons to cultivate creativity from an early age that can have lasting positive impacts on their physical and mental development. Read more to find out six different creative skills that can be cultivated regardless of artistic “talents.”


Islamic Guidance

“Our Lord! Bless us with pious spouses and offspring who will be the joy of our hearts and make us models for the righteous.”

(Surah Al-Furqan, 25:74)


Nurturing Curiosity in Our Children

By Sumayya Khan

Children are born with a natural wonder about the world around them. From an infant stage they use all of their senses to explore their environment. And their curious behaviour manifests in various ways. All parents, teachers, or other caregivers have to do is support their natural curiosity. Here are five tips to keep in mind: 

  • Make your child’s immediate surroundings interesting.
  • Try to be less restrictive when they are exploring.
  • Expound on their immediate interests and make them teachable moments.
  • Talk to them often.
  • Give them items they can manipulate.

Get more details about each in the full article.


10 Facts about Early Childhood Development You Need to Know

  1. From birth, babies can see and hear.
  2. Young babies need consistent responsive care.
  3. Children are curious. They want to find out how they can change and affect people and things arround them, even from the first months of age.
  4. Much of what children learn, they learn when they are very young.
  5. Children need a safe environment as they learn.
  6. Children are the first scientists.
  7. Efforts to improve early child development are an investment, not an cost.
  8. Children communicate to express their needs so pay attention to your children’s movements, sounds, and cries.
  9. Child development can be promoted by simple age-appropriate activities that can be easily done at home.
  10. Copying the baby’s sounds and gestures starts a good communication game.

Source: 10 Facts about Early Childhood Development you need to know! | UNICEF


Book Review: But...Who is Allah?

By Laura El Alam

Parents of preschoolers who wish to introduce their children to some basic Islamic concepts and common Arabic phrases will likely enjoy the picture book But . . . Who is Allah? written by Bachar Karroum and illustrated by Tanja Varcelija. The story centers around Adam, a young boy who hears the commonly used phrases “Subhan-Allah,” “Allahu-Akbar,” “Bismillah,” “Al-hamdullilah,” and “Insha-Allah” throughout the day. This leads Adam to wonder who Allah is, and what those phrases mean. This calming and positive bedtime story will give parents and preschoolers an opportunity to discuss a wide variety of topics connected to our faith.


Online Resources

Engaging Our Children in the Remembrance of Allah - Share the beauty of dhikr with your kids early and create habits that will last a lifetime.

Reinforcing Good Hygiene Practices from an Early Age - Developing good hygiene practices can be nurtured from an early age with attention to basic daily routines.

Have You Eaten Your Rainbow Today? - It can be difficult to get picky eaters to eat a balanced diet. There are lots of tips that can help in this article.

Get your Kids Moving: The Benefits of Physical Activity - Physical activity has a world of benefits for adults and children. Be careful not to limit opportunities as your children get more mobile. 

Puzzles: Piecing Together Important Lessons - Puzzles come in all shapes and sizes and are a great choice for family fun. And they have educational value, too.


Adam's World Videos: Aneesah's Potty Training Adventures

Aneesah is growing up so the family helps her ditch her diapers and use the potty. While they’re at it, Aneesah also learns that Allah created us and causes us to grow up in stages, one after the other.  The Arabic letter “Khaa” for Al-Khaleq and the English letter “C” for Creator are featured. A beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called Al-Khaleq complements the lesson. (7:02)


Sound Vision has BIG plans for your children this Ramadan! 

And Muslim Home subscribers get a  discount!

During the entire month of Ramadan, creative hosts will engage students with games, stories, songs, art and movement activities, cooking demonstrations, and more! Keep your children busy and inspired to learn to love Allah and to follow His guidance. 

Our 2024 Race4Rewards online children’s classes will target two different age groups:

Adam’s World Club classes are designed for children ages 4-7. 

Colors of Islam Club classes are designed children ages 8-12. 

Visit for more details and to register online.  Muslim Home subscribers can use coupon code MuslimHome15 for a 15% discount! Note that classes will fill up fast!


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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