| | | | 20 Mistakes New Parents Tend to Make By Wendy Díaz With nearly two decades of motherhood under her belt, author Wendy Díaz has learned that great parenting begins with intention, humility, and prayer. And even with all of that, there are no guarantees. As we navigate this unfamiliar terrain that is raising children, we will make mistakes, take wrong turns, trip, get lost, and later find ourselves. In this journey, it is important to also forgive ourselves for the missteps and learn to be a better parent along the way. Here is her list of 20 mistakes that new parents tend to make, and how we can learn from them. |
| | | Parenting Tip As humans, our lives will never be perfect. The best we can do is to recognize and learn from the mistakes we make. And to see forgiveness for the wrongdoings from Allah, first and foremost, and those we may hurt as well. |
| | | 4 Key Lessons to Teach Our Kids about Allah's Forgiveness By Laura El Alam Among the many concepts we should teach our children about Islam, one of the most important is the remarkable, incomparable nature of Allah’s forgiveness. As they grow, our children are bound to make mistakes and commit sins. They might even do things that make them think they have caused irreparable damage to their relationship with God. At some point, they may fear they have distanced themselves so much from their faith they can’t even consider themselves Muslims anymore. What are the most important lessons we can teach our children about Allah’s forgiveness so that they never succumb to despair or turn their back completely on their faith? |
| | | Inspiration “Parenting is not about raising children who never make mistakes. It’s about being a safe place for them when they do.” – @simplyonpurpose |
| | | Engaging Our Children in the Remembrance of Allah By Umm Ahmed Making dhikr, or engaging in the remembrance of Allah, is a virtuous act that brings magnified reward and blessings. It is a way to express our sincere devotion, hope and trust in Allah, the Most Honorable. As Muslim parents, we must recognize and cultivate this habit starting from an early age. Doing so will help you and your child keep mistakes in context and a focus on learning from them. Here are five strategies to increase the practice of dhikr in your home. |
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| | Islamic Guidance The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says in an authentic hadith: "Allah the Almighty has said: ‘O Son of Adam, as long as you invoke Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O Son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and you then asked forgiveness from Me, I would forgive you. O Son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the Earth, and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it, too." (Tirmidhi) |
| | | Using Growth Mindset to Help Anxious Children Cope By Melissa Barreto Anxiety happens in children when their fears and worries (real or imagined) build up to a point that they cannot control. Intrusive thoughts about stressors crowd their minds until their natural fight or flight response takes over, leaving behind their ability to process situations rationally and calmly. Since stress is a normal part of life, the question becomes: how can we help our children to cope when difficulties come their way? |
| | | Interesting Facts Some kids are so afraid of making mistakings or failing that they stop trying. Here are seven ways to teach kids that failure is a great thing! - Focus on growth mindset.
- Let failure happen.
- Embrace (and celebrate) failure.
- Explain the learning pit.
- Explain the brain science.
- Emphasize “failing forward.”
- Teach the mindful approach.
To read more details about these points, visit 7 Ways to Teach Kids Failure Is a Great Thing |
| | | Book Review: Haifaa Fixes Her Lie By Wendy Díaz The new bi-lingual release from Compass Books, Haifa Fixes Her Lie, (Haifa rectifica su mentira in Spanish), written by Sarah Musa, is a colorful early reader that details how even big mistakes like lies can be mended when we are brave enough to seek forgiveness. The vibrant story follows Haifa, a playful young girl whose carelessness leads to a broken vase, setting off a chain of events that unfolds with both innocence, humor, and valuable life lessons. As Haifa grapples with her initial lie and witnesses her uncle, Tio Orlando, rectify his own inadvertent mistakes, readers are immersed in a heartfelt journey of self-discovery and redemption. |
| | | | | | Adam's World Video: Mistakes Are Important! Adam hates making mistakes and gets into a tussle with Aneesah about striving for perfection. Mama and Dad both have much to say about that goal and how mistakes are the way all humans learn to be their best! The Arabic letter “dahl” for duaa and the English letter “P” for prayer are highlighted. A beautiful nashid called “Everybody Makes Mistakes” by Dawud Wharsnby compliments the lesson. (8:03) |
| | | | | Check out a wide variety of courses that teach your children about Islam in a fun and engaging way! |
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| | | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. |
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