Cultivating Civic Responsibility in Our Children

By Umm Ahmed

Instilling a sense of civic duty in our children requires the careful cultivation of a set of principles, attitudes, and behaviors that not only mold them into responsible citizens but also inspire them to actively engage with their community. At the heart of nurturing these duties lies the recognition of the profound impact of small, everyday actions on the larger tapestry of society. It is about instilling a deep-seated awareness that their contributions, no matter how seemingly trivial, have the power to shape a collective ethos of responsibility, compassion, and civic pride. Here are nine specific civic duties to nurture from a young age.


 Parenting Tip

Community service has always been at the core of building an Islamic society and promoting brotherhood. Even small acts can be stepping stones to a lifetime of service. And there are many opportunities to work in this area as a family.


Combining Civic Duty and Dawah

By Laura El Alam

There are Muslims who are politically active, socially aware, and eager to donate, to clean, to help, to feed, to heal … all of these are remarkable ways to give back to society. Writer Laura El Alam believes the key for all of us — whether we do a few small things or dozens of large things — is to strive to do it all with excellence. It is important to keep in mind that, whatever we take on as our civic duty, we are ambassadors of Islam. We should try to carry ourselves with the best of manners, gentleness, kindness, and wisdom. And most of all, we should do our work with the intention of pleasing our Creator.




“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” 

— Muhammad Ali, world famous African American boxer and community activist



10 Community Service Ideas for Muslim Families

By Wendy Díaz

Civic engagement commonly involves “working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference.” For Muslims, it is part of our mission as caretakers of the Earth to enjoin the good and forbid the evil.  The best time to instill these values in our children is during their formative years. Learn more about ten community service ideas that are great for the entire family.


Islamic Guidance

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“The most beloved people to Allah are those who are the most beneficial to people…” 

(Al Mujam Al-Aswat – At-Tabarani)


Taking an Active Role in Your School Community

By Sumayya Khan

All children benefit from their parents being actively connected to their community schools. Muslim children in public schools need to see representation within their school staff and boards, and need their concerns heard and considered in order to thrive without compromising their beliefs and morals. Parents should develop relationships with teachers and administrators and also be active in school parent-teacher associations. Writer Sumayya Khan interviews Romana Siddiqui, an Ontario parent who found volunteerism in her child’s classroom to be a stepping stone for larger advocacy roles and even a run for an elected office.


Interesting Facts

Check out some interesting facts about volunteer service.

  • The estimated value of each volunteer hour in the United States is $29.95.
  • 25% of females formally volunteer compared to 21% of males.
  • The 16-17 year age bracket has more people formally volunteering than any other age group (this could be to include volunteer hours on college applications).
  • Almost 40% of parents volunteer each year.
  • Nearly 19% of volunteers say their motivation for volunteering is to learn new skills.
  • One study found that 77% of volunteers believed their mental health improved due to volunteering.

For more details, visit 25 Interesting Volunteer Statistics.


Interfaith in Action: Lessons for Muslim Families

By Wendy Díaz

Allah encourages Muslims to discuss, and debate matters of faith with wisdom and in a respectful manner, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. The Quran and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, mention examples where interfaith-based outreach is necessary when engaging with people of different faiths. These principles stress the value of dialogue to promote harmony, bridge gaps, and build connections among diverse communities. While there are many reasons why engagement is important, it is essential that Muslims acknowledge ground rules to ensure there is no compromise on their Islamic beliefs.


Online Resources

Good Hygiene Is a Civic Duty - This is an interesting look at why even good hygiene practices can be considered a civic duty.

Volunteering: Benefits of Service for the Entire Family - Read about the many reasons to make volunteering an regular families activity.

Raising a Vicegerent - There are lots of ways that children can be nurtured to attend to the role of caretaker of our environment.

Justice For All: Advocacy on a Global Scale - This organization is doing great work, including the recent introduction of a Media Watch campaign to ensure accurate reporting of the atrocities being commited against Palestinians in Gaza.


Adam's World Video: Stewards of the Earth

Aneesah works to help big brother Adam notice how much energy he is wasting throughout the day. It dawns on him that Allah has appointed us as stewards of the Earth and with that comes responsibility. The Arabic letter “khaa” for khalifa and English letter “S” for steward are showcased. A Dawud Wharsnby song “Stewards of the Earth” is a nice complement. (8:48)


Check out a wide variety of courses that teach your children about Islam in a fun and engaging way!


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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