A Roadmap for Teaching Children about Patience

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

We live in a world that promotes instant gratification at every turn. Technological advances have made it possible to constantly search and find answers in the blink of an eye, to make an online purchase with delivery the same day, to find entertainment 24/7 for just about any taste. And these advances create a never-ending-cycle of wanting and expecting everything in a hurry. Humans don’t enter this world knowing how to be patient. That means we have to learn new skills and apply them. Learn more about how you can work on those yourself and impart lessons about patience that your children will value, too.


 Parenting Tip

Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, impatience abounds! We see it in our homes, in our schools, in our workplaces, in our communities, across the globe. There are many reasons for us to value patience and teach our children to value it, too.


Knowing about As-Saboor Gives Us Comfort and Hope

By Laura El Alam

If there’s one quality that is generally lacking in the modern world, it is patience. Many of us have grown so used to instant gratification that we get irritated at the slightest delay. Many of us have little tolerance for mistakes, a slow pace, or imperfection. Even when we make duaa, we are sometimes restless, expecting Allah to give us exactly what we want, immediately. In contrast to the human tendency toward impatience, there is Allah, As-Saboor, the Most Patient. We and our children can learn so much from this beautiful attribute.




"We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world." 

— Helen Keller, American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer



Lessons about Patience from the Story of Prophet Musa and Khidr

By Wendy Díaz

Muslims have been instructed to read Surah Al-Kahf every Friday, the blessed day of Jummuah. The third narrative in this chapter pertains to the quest for knowledge of Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, and is indubitably tied to the virtue of patience. It is an evocative story filled with wonder that can keep children captivated and entertained, all the while teaching them about being patient. Join writer Wendy Díaz in the retelling of the story and tips for sharing a lesson in patience with your children.


Islamic Guidance

“Oh you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” 

(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:153)


Addressing Calamaties with Patience and Kindness

By Wendy Díaz

No human being that reaches adulthood leads a carefree life. Our faith teaches us that we are here on this Earth to be tested. We will experience happiness, sadness, fear, grief, love, and hatred. It is our response to these tribulations that defines who we are and how firm our faith may be. When we look at the Seerah, or the life story of our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, we have the best model for how to approach our own stressors and the challenges of others. We need to ask ourselves, what role do we play when people close to us are experiencing the harsh realities of life? Learn how to model your own response and help address calamities with patience and kindness.


Interesting Facts

Some commentators have suggested that patience is not a single virtue, but a combination of others, including:

Self control – to be able to control our own reactions to the situation, and endure it without complaint;

Humility – to accept that you are no more important than anyone else, and there is no particular reason why you should not wait; and

Generosity – to smile at the world even when it seems to be conspiring against you.

For more details about the virtues of patience, visit
Patience | SkillsYouNeed.


Book Review: Five Minutes Has Plenty to Teach about Patience

By Umm Ahmed

Helping kids learn life lessons can be like guiding them through a maze, especially when they're young. For parents, it can be a big challenge, too, especially when tackling complex topics. Teaching about patience is one of those – it's a matter of connecting the dots between time and learning to wait. This is where books come in handy because they help introduce complex notions in meaningful and engaging ways. Five Minutes: (That's a Lot of Time) (No, It's Not) (Yes, It Is) by Liz Garton Scanlon and Audrey Vernick is a laugh-out-loud picture book, perfect for any kid who has ever begged, "Please, just five more minutes?!"


Online Resources

Parenting Like the Prophet - This is a nice article about using the best of models for our parenting strategies.

Parenting Adult Children: Keeping Calm and Strengthening Ties - Patience is also much needed as children grow older. This article is filled with reminders about keeping family ties with children strong into adulthood.

Teaching Young Children the Value of Time - Any lesson in patience is connected to valuing and using time wisely. Check out this article for tips. 

Book Review: Is that a Teapot by the Toilet? - This is another book suggestion about a stage in a child’s life - potty training - that can be challenging for the entire family.


Adam's World Video: Adam and Aneesah Learn to Play Together

Adam and Aneesah are struggling to play dress up and learning that it takes a lot of patience to actually play together. Mama lends sound advice along the way. The Arabic letter “Saad” for Sadaqah and the English letter “C” for charity are showcased. A beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called Just as Different is a nice compliment to the lesson. (7:02)


Check out a wide variety of courses that teach your children about Islam in a fun and engaging way!


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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