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Project of Sound Vision


How should Muslim students interact with people who identify as LGBTQ?

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Muslim adults are working through the process of understanding Islamic guidance on the matter of homosexuality and how to address the nuances of it in our families, workplaces, and communities. Simultaneously, Muslim youth are encountering the issue on a personal level with curriculum and lesson plans in their schools that normalize LGBTQ issues and with teachers and fellow students who identify with this lifestyle. Parents need to be aware of these struggles and offer assistance to their children. This article is a summary of a lecture given by Shayk Dr. Yasir Qadhi called “How Should Muslim Students Interact with People who Identify as LGBTQ?”


Parenting Tip

Muslims living in the West need to hold fast to Islamic guidance on sexuality and gender ethics while also respecting that our neighbors have different belief systems and lifestyles. Learn to navigate these differences with both clarity and sensitivity in this second issue of our three-part series on LGBTQ issues.


Understanding Parent's Rights in Public Schools

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

It is important to be aware of what is going on throughout the country related to the LGBTQ+ agenda. These changes in policies and practices in the public realm may be benefitting those who subscribe to this lifestyle, but they are also indoctrinating our youth (in some instances at very early ages) with a confusing array of information related to gender fluidity and sexual preferences and practices that are contrary to Islamic guidance. Muslims must take a stand to protect our rights and our children and be prepared to face the consequences. To do so, parents must first understand their rights in public schools. In this article, we take a detailed look at recent events in Montgomery County, Maryland.



The notion of classifying a person according to their sexual preferences is an extremely modern concept phenomenon. Homosexual actions have been considered immoral and often illegal acts in all of the Abrahamic faiths for most of human history. Sexual preferences, be they members of the same sex or even between a married couple related to positions and personal preferences, were previously considered matters that were not part of public discourse and were certainly not a defining characteristic of a person. 

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, How Should Muslim Students Interact with People who Identify as LGBTQ?


I Am an Imam and My Brother Is Gay: Navigating the Intersection of Religion and Family

An interview with Imam Wesley Lebron by Wendy Díaz

We live in a world where practicing Muslims grapple with the complexities of navigating interactions with the LGBTQ+ community and the shifting societal landscape surrounding the acceptance of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and same-sex unions. It is often overlooked, however, that there are Muslims whom themselves face personal struggles with same-sex attraction or who have family members who identify as LGBTQ+. The prospect of either scenario is unsettling for anyone not in that situation. Now imagine being an imam, someone entrusted with guiding their community in matters of faith, being confronted with having a gay family member. That is the story of Imam Wesly Lebron. Learn more from him in this interview.


Islamic Guidance

“He has created male and female and from this spread forth multitudes.”

(Surah An-Nisa, 4:1)


Navigating Differences: Clarifying Sexual and Gender Ethics in Islam

On May 23, 2023, more than 120 imams and scholars from across North America issued a public statement to clarify sexual and gender ethics in Islam. They are Muslim scholars and preachers representing a diverse range of theological schools who affirmed the right to express our beliefs while simultaneously recognizing our constitutional obligation to exist peacefully with those whose beliefs differ from ours. It was the first collective statement of its kind and is an important teaching tool within and outside of the Muslim community. To date, there are more than 300 signatories. It is a must read for all Muslim parents.


Interesting Facts

According to a study last year by the Williams Institute at UCLA, about 1.6 million people 13 or older in the United States, or 0.6%, identify as transgender.

Furthermore, in a 2021 survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, nearly 70% of Americans said they know a gay or lesbian person. Only about one in five said they know someone who is trans. That number is up but still small. (That’s about the same number who said in response to a 2021 YouGov poll that they’ve seen a ghost.)


Adam’s World Video: Turn to Allah!

Adam remembers that in times of test and trials it is best to turn to Allah! (1:34).

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Online Resources

Where The Rainbow Ends: American Muslims And LGBT Activism - This is an interesting read by Muslim intellectual and writer Mobeen Vaid.

Muslim families concerned about Pride activities in Ottawa schools deserve a voice - This is an OpEd that speaks to the challenges that Muslim parents and children are facing in the public schools in Canada.

A Way Beyond the Rainbow - This is a podcast series discussing the everyday struggles of Muslims with same-sex attractions (SSA) who want to live a life true to Allah and Islamic guidance. 

Muslims opposed to LGBTQ curricula for their kids aren’t bigots - This is an OpEd by Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi that was published by Al Jazeera on June 19, 2023. It is an interesting read.


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The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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