| | Nurturing the Next Generation Sound Vision |
| | | Half Our Deen Is Focused on Marriage By Zahirah Lynn Eppard According to recent statistics, there are 1.9 billion Muslims, making up about 24.7% of the world population. Large numbers do not make the task of finding a suitable marriage partner necessarily easier, however. And the search can be even more challenging for Muslims living in non-Muslim countries. Traditional searches through family and friends can also limit choices and are not always a viable option for Muslim singles or parents who are also converts to Islam. An increasing number of eligible singles are turning to online dating sites and matrimonial services to assist. Learn more about one of those alternatives - Half Our Deen - from a recent interview with its founder Baba Ali. |
| | | Parenting Tip Marriage plays a significant role in the lives of Muslim families. Good decisions need to be made in finding a spouse and also in building the bonds between husbands and wives that lead to a lasting marriage. |
| | | Marriage Education Is a Must for Single and Engaged Muslims By Dr. Aneesah Nadir Being a spouse and a parent are among the most important jobs you’ll ever have. Marriage education, premarital advisement and counseling can help singles and engaged people obtain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful wives and husbands and have healthy marriages. Dr. Aneesah Nadir is a veteran counselor, author, and founder of Before the Nikah Marriage Preparation Institute. She suggests that anyone considering marriage needs to focus their attention on specific areas to build skills themselves and that can be the topic of inquiry about potential partners. Learn more by reading the full article. |
| | | Quranic Guidance “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” (Surah Ar-Rum, 30:21) |
| | | You Just Don't Understand - Women and Men in Conversation By Umm Ahmed Bridging communication gaps is the epitome of a successful relationship - whether it is between spouses, colleagues at work, siblings, or a parent and a child. You Just Don't Understand: Men and Women in Conversion, written by Deborah Tannen, studies the conversational styles between men and women and helps break the stereotypical ways of perceiving messages from the opposite gender. Owing to its popularity and efforts toward explaining cross-cultural exchanges between men and women to a global audience, it has been translated into 31 languages! Read the full book review and learn why there are so many conflicts and misunderstandings. |
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| | Hadith Narrated by Anas ibn Malik, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised: “When a man marries then he fulfills have of the deen . . . “ (At-Tirmidhi Hadith 3096) |
| | | What Is An Ilm Crush and How to Avoid It? By Wendy Díaz In an era of “celebrity sheikhs” where famous scholars are followed with as much fervor as Hollywood stars, it is no surprise that some Muslims may find themselves falling head over heels for these personalities. Youngsters are especially vulnerable as they seek out individuals with whom they can relate while upholding their already fragile Muslim identity. Author Wendy Díaz explores the extent of the problem, how parents can spot an “ilm crush,” and also how to curb it. Read more in the full article. |
| | | | Book Review: Salaam, with Love By Miriam Mohamed Many American Muslim teens struggle with faith and strive to have a closer connection to God and family. Understanding and feeling what it’s like to be different, yet learning to embrace every part of who they are can be overwhelming. Whether it is in regards to culture, religion, or the turmult of physical growth and development, the road to self-discovery can seem like the most difficult struggle in their lives. Finding books that open doors to the conversation of self-identity, core-values, and faith can help youth navigate their transition into adulthood. One great example can be found in Sara Sharaf Beg’s Salaam, with Love. |
| | | Interesting Facts According to data compiled and analyzed by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding: - Roughly half of the adult population of Muslims and the general public are married.
- Muslims, however, are more likely to be single (never married), compared to the general public (35% of Muslims vs. 22% of the general public).
- This also reflects the fact that Muslims are on average younger than the general public, with 41% of American Muslim adults between the age of 18-29 compared to just 21% of the general public in the same age bracket.
- Muslims are also less likely than the general public to be divorced (6% vs. 11%).
- Divorce rates in the U.S. are decreasing since reaching a peak in the 1980’s. However, in the Muslim community, rates are on the rise.
Read more details in the ISPU’s full report here. |
| | | | | The Azhari’s: Names of Allah 6 - Al Mu’min In this family-friendly episode, Sheikh Dr. Saalim Al-Azhari teaches his three children about the name Al-Mu’min and its connection to belief in Allah and iman. The series is also available for viewing on Muslim Network TV. (11:39) |
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| | NEW Adam’s World Online Courses Set the Stage for Summer Learning and Fun! Sound Vision has crafted amazing opportunities for your child to be engaged in learning about Islam and having fun while doing so. Our 2022 Summer Camp offerings bring together artists and teachers who use creative methods to expand knowledge and love of Allah from the safety and convenience of your own home. Classes target children between the ages of 4-12 and start as early as June 4 so don’t delay! Learn more and register online at https://academy.adamsworld.org/. |
| | More Great Options for Summer Learning and FUN! While our Education Production Team is working on preparing future classes, there are a number of pre-recorded sessions to fill the gap. These are top-notch offerings by our amazing host teachers that enhance understanding and love of our deen with the maximum convenience of viewing the videos at a time that works best for your family. Check out these offerings: |
| | | Our Sound Vision team is in need of assistance on many fronts! When we combine our skills and creative energy there is an amazing amount of work we can accomplish! We have lots of projects in the works and specifically need help with: - Writing articles for our parenting newsletter
- Boosting our presence on social media
- Expanding outreach efforts to attract new students for our online classes
- Reviewing scripts for new Adam’s World videos
- And more!
If you are interested in joining the effort, send your resume and a brief cover letter that identifies your interests and availability to: zahirah@soundvision.com |
| | | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. |
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