Nurturing the Next Generation
Project of Sound Vision


Adapting to a Summer Schedule

By Umm Ahmed

Parents understand the value of maintaining a balance between leisure and continued growth for their children. Before plunging into the task of developing a summer routine, it's crucial to recognize that the essence of enjoying summer break lies in avoiding over-scheduling. There has to be a delicate balance between planned activities, exciting outings, and precious downtime. Check out some ideas that can add constructive summer fun to your agenda.


Parenting Tip

While it is tempting to just take a deep breath and relax, there is also lots of planning that takes place to fill the summer months ahead with family time, learning opportunities, and FUN!


Sound Vision Has Fun-Filled Children's Classes to Add to Your Summer Lineup

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Sound Vision has been a pioneer in Islamic children’s programming and we have created LOTS of amazing offerings to keep kids of all ages engaged and having FUN this summer!  Check out our Take Me to the Kaaba: A Hajj Journey class, our 2023 Summer Camp, packaged courses on various content, and our popular Adam’s World App. All designed to keep your children learning to love Allah, respecting His guidance, and feeling proud to be a Muslim!



“When the sun is shining I can do anything; 

no mountain is too high, no trouble is too difficult to overcome.”

Wilma Rudolph, African American Olympic gold medal sprinter who overcame polio as a young child and came to be known in the 1960s as the fastest women in the world


7 Tips to Make Summer Reading Fun (and Meaningful)

By Laura El Alam

Summertime literacy is important to kids’ well-being, both emotionally and academically. According to Scholastic, “Summer reading is critical, not only for helping kids maintain learning while school is out, but also for fostering social-emotional development, discovering the joy of stories, and elevating the importance of lifelong learning. Here are 7 tips to help them find joy and satisfaction in the pages of a book.


Islamic Guidance

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Any action without the remembrance of Allah is either a diversion or heedlessness excepting four acts: Walking from target to target [during archery practice], training a horse, playing with one’s family, and learning to swim.”



The Many Benefits of Outdoor Play

By Sumayya Khan

Much of writer Sumayya Khan’s childhood was filled with outdoor play. That is not the case for most young people today, who spend large swaths of their time indoors and also connected to electronic devices. There is research that suggests that children need unstructured time to explore the natural world around them and that that time is essential to healthy brain development. Learn more about the importance of  outdoor play and get some tips about how to encourage your children to spend more time outside.


Book Review: Foraging with Kids

By Melissa Barreto

In writer Melissa Barreto’s neighborhood there is a patch of wild thicket that backs up to the townhouse communities. Every Summer, she and her kids walk along this road and snack on the wild raspberries, blackberries and wineberries. Collecting wild foods or foraging has become a beloved family affair. While it can be fun and produce delicious results, the ventures can also be dangerous. In this article, Barreto reviews one of the manuals she has kept onhand - Foraging with Kids: 52 Wild and Free Edibles to Enjoy with your Children - and encourages other families to check out foraging themselves.


Interesting Details



There are some interesting statistics related to summer travel.

  • 85% of Americans plan to travel this summer.
  • 90% of American adults aged 30 to 44 intend to travel this summer compared to only 74% of people over the age of 60.
  • Women are slightly more likely than men to say they intend to travel more this summer than last summer (43% vs  40%).
  • 62% respondents said their travels will be domestic only; 17% said their travels would be domestic and international, and 6%said they would only be traveling internationally. 
  • Younger generations are most likely to fly on a plane, a percentage that shrinks with age. 63% of Americans age 18 to 29 intend to fly on a plane this summer; 61% in the 30 to 44 age bracket; 54% from 45 to 60; and only 38% of adults over 60 intend to travel on a plane this summer.

For more travel related stats, visit Stats: 85% of Americans Plan to Travel This Summer


Online Resources

30 Fun Summer Activities that Are Also Productive - This article is packed with ideas that bring learning opportunities and FUN.

7 Ways to Prevent Summer Learning Loss - Learn more to ensure that your child doesn’t lose academic momentum during the summer break.

Summer Before College - 5 Things Every Muslim High School Graduate Should Do - This is a nice reminder for recent graduates about the importance of using the summer wisely.

Top 10 Skills to Teach your Kids in Summer - There is opportunity to learn new skills in the summer months ahead.

Family Road Trip: Captivated in the Car - Lots of families will plan road trips this summer and it is nice to have a stash of games that can make the car ride valuable family time.

Muslim Themed Family Vacation Spots - And if you have not yet identified where to go on that road trip, this article has LOTS of suggestions.

Adam's World Video: Adam and the Little Ants

Adam has some poor ants trapped in a jar and is just about to zap them with his magnifying glass when Aneesah comes to the rescue, reminding him of the importance of kindness to all living things. The Arabic letter “qaaf” and English letter “Q” are showcased for Quran. A beautiful nasheed Animals Love to Hear Quran by Dawud Wharsnby is a nice addition. (6:19)



Sound Vision offers LOTS of options for summer learning and FUN!

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The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

Resources Available Now:

8 Trainings we offerYouth Programs at Sound Vision
Guides for ImamsTips for Parenting
Colors of Islam Interactive Islamic Classes
Muslim Network TVMuslimFestTalent Hunt
Crisis Text Line:  Text SALAM to 741741Youth Manual
Exhibit on the Prophet's Peace Movement
Download Islamic Nasheed (Spiritual hymns) by Dawud Wharnsby

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