|  | Nurturing the Next Generation Sound Vision | | |  | Adoption and Fostering in Islam By Shafiq Alvarado Many Muslims are fascinated when they find out I am a foster parent. Some congratulate me and offer well-wishes. Others admonish me saying that it is an un-Islamic practice. To arrive at an informed conclusion, however, let’s explore adoption and fostering in Islam and what Allah, The Most Glorified, The Most High, says in the Quran, regarding this topic. Read the full article for these details and more. | | | | Parenting Tip Families come in every shape and size. They join individuals into a unit and become the stage for development of our sense of self, our world view, and the compass for our purpose in life. Cherish them, make time for them, and give them your best. | | |  | Muslim Children, Christian Grandparents: Dealing with Differences By Wendy Díaz I had many conversations with my son and my other children about why our relatives were not Muslim. I would gently explain that they held different beliefs about God than we did, but that we had to respect that. They were our family and we loved them no matter what. Islam teaches us to always uphold the ties of kinship. It is necessary for children to be kind to non-Muslim relatives, understanding that we are all Allah’s creation. This lesson is one that will, insha’Allah, prevent them from going into dangerous extremes because arrogance and ignorance leads to intolerance. Read more about this journey and how patience and consideration help in dealing with differences. | | | | Inspiration “In truth, a family is what you make it. It is made strong, not by number of heads counted at the dinner table, but by the rituals you help family members create, by the memories you share, by the commitment of time, caring and love you show to one another, and by the hopes for the future you have as individuals and as a unit.” Marge Kennedy | | |  | There is Lasting Value in Connecting with our Elders By Sumayya Khan Sumayya Khan grew up as a child of immigrant parents who thought that learning English early was the best way to integrate into Canadian life. It wasn’t until she attended an Urdu language program as a teen that she realized what she had been missing. Find out how the program changed her life and her connection to her grandparents, and transformed the way she has kept her native language prominent for her own children. | | | | | | Hadith Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Kinship (rahim) is derived from Allah. If anyone maintains ties of kinship, Allah maintains ties with him. If anyone cuts them off, Allah cuts him off.” (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 55) | | | |  | Book Review: Over the Moon: An Adoption Tale By Umm Ahmed Author and Illustrator Karen Katz was inspired to write her first-ever book because she thought it was important to share the sentiments of her personal adoption journey as a gift with her own daughter Lena, as well as other parents and young children who share the same bond. This adoption tale aims at helping younger minds understand the hidden beauty behind the process of adoption and the untold feelings associated with it. Read the full review of Over the Moon: An Adoption Tale here. | | | Some Interesting Facts The multiracial population is growing in the U.S. and reached 33.8 million people in 2020 according to the U.S. Census (a 276% increase since 2010!). A recent study on interracial and interethnic families, surveyed and interviewed parents of children under 10 who married someone of a different race or ethnic group. Research indicated that there are four themes that commonly emerged about their parenting practices: - Concern about their children experiencing racism and discrimination, including within the extended family
- Attention toward their child(ren)’s ethnic-racial identity development
- Increased awareness and discussion about the child(ren)'s skin color
- Social benefits of being multiracial, biracial, or bi-ethnic
Read more from the full research report. | | | | Online Resources Four Challenges Adopted Children Face and How You Can Help - This article provides details about some common issues faced by adoptive families, as well as some strategies for parents to help their children cope. The Divorce Support Toolkit - The Family & Youth Institute has pulled together a comprehensive resource to properly address some of the issues that divorce brings such as co-parenting, financial challenges, remarriage, and social stigma. Five Facts about Divorce - This article by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding is an interesting look at the perceptions about divorce in the Muslim and other faith communities. | | |  | The Azharis: Names of Allah 5 - As Salaam Join the Azhari family as they learn more about Allah’s beautiful name - As Salaam, The One Who Protects and Provides Security. There is also a discussion of the importance of spreading the greeting of salaam. (8:56) | | | | | | |  | Adam’s World Club classes target children ages 4-7. Creative hosts engage students with games, stories, songs, art and movement activities, cooking demonstrations, and more! This semester will focus on Stories from the Sunnah. These stories not only teach important lessons about Islamic guidance but also instill a love for our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Live online classes take place Monday-Thursday from 4-4:30pm EDT. Visit https://academy.adamsworld.org/ for more details and to register online. | | |  | Colors of Islam Club classes target children ages 8-12. Host teachers provide instruction on Islamic basics and challenge students to apply these lessons to everyday life. This semester we will be learning from the Lessons from Surah Luqman. These pieces of advice delivered to Luqman’s son from his deathbed are important fundamentals of our faith. Our hosts help make them relevant and inspire students to put them into practice in their everyday lives. Live online classes take place every Saturday from 12-1:30pm EDT. Visit https://academy.adamsworld.org/ for more details and to register online. | | | | |  | | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. | | | | | | | | | |