| | | | My Beloved: Reflecting on the Names and Attributes of Allah, Part 1 By Laura El Alam If you would like to commit to a daily practice this Ramadan that will help you reflect deeply on your habits, take concrete steps toward self-improvement, and grow closer to Allah, consider reading My Beloved: A series of reflections on the Names and Attributes of Allah in everyday life. The ebook by Amaney Kazlak combines touching real-life stories, in-depth explanations of Allah’s Names and Attributes, and prompts that encourage readers to take mindful, meaningful action every day. Writer Laura El Alam takes an in-depth look at Part 1 which covers nine Names of Allah: Al-Wahhab, Al-Kareem, Al-Akram, Al-Ghafour, Al-Ghafir, Al-Ghaffar, Al-Barr, Al-Muhsin, and Ar-Rabb. |
| | | Parenting Tip Ramadan is here and the plates of Muslim parents are likely to be very full! There is a fine line between pushing ourselves and our children to do our best and avoiding being overwhelmed with the busy-ness. The key is to find the right balance for your family. |
| | | Ramadan Reset: Staying Fit during Ramadan By Hernán Guadalupe and Wendy Díaz Ramadan is a month not only to purify our hearts, but also our bodies. We should take advantage of this month to hit the reset button on our health and start fresh. Here are some ways we can stay in shape during Ramadan and model good behavior for your children and families. These will be good habits to carry forward into the future, too. |
| | | Inspiration "Have you ever wondered why we’re happy in Ramadan? Because we do what we were created to do.” Sheikh Alaa Elsayed |
| | | Help Your Family Reach Spiritual Heights during Ramadan By Wendy Díaz Ramadan is a time to recenter and reset, providing our faith with a much-needed boost after months of monotonous day-to-day routines. It entails both physical and psychological sacrifice. Fasting as an act of worship, coupled with the additional prayers, supplications, and remembrance it entails, can serve as the spiritual retreat we desperately need to recuperate from a year filled with hardship. There is no better example of how a spiritual retreat can aid a distressed mind and catapult it to a heightened state of faith than that of 12th century scholar, Imam Al-Ghazali. Author Wendy Díaz takes examples from his life and the Quran and Sunnah to highlight certain practices that we can engage in with our families to unlock the spiritual dimensions of this month. |
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| | Islamic Guidance “Eat of the good things We have provided for your sustenance but commit no excess therein.” (Surah Taha, 20:81) |
| | | Helping Our Children Say No to Gossip By Umm Ahmed Adults often partake in discussions or conversations which involve and concern others. These may arise in formal settings such as at work or in informal spaces with friends or with family members on a day-to-day basis in a typical household. Sometimes these conversations transcend into what we call “gossip.” Ramadan is a time when we should refrain from all kinds of sin. According to the latest research, children as young as eight also frequently indulge in gossip and rumor spreading (now we know it is not just the teens!). Find out more about the Islamic guidance on gossip and backbiting and why we need to caution our children against it. |
| | | | Book Review: The Blessed Pomegranates By Miriam Mohamed While young children are not required to fast yet, they pick up on the energy of Ramadan allowing us an opportunity to teach that it is not only about abstinence, but also a month of gratitude and generosity. The Blessed Pomegrantes is a lovely book with a heartfelt message about how generosity is rewarded by Allah tenfold. The author A. Helwa does a fantastic job creating a setting that depicts how even the trees, sun, moon, and sky all welcome the blessed month of Ramadan, the holy season of giving. And the beautiful illustrations by Dasril Iqbal Al Faruqi are filled with detail and colors that give a sense of warmth. This is definitely a book you would want in your home library. |
| | | | Ramadan offers special memories for families and many of them revolve around making and eating good food. As a special feature of our online children’s classes – Adam’s World Club and Colors of Islam Clubs – we have been sharing delicious and nutritious recipes that are also fun to make and encourage family bonding. This Banana Sushi snack is a family favorite! |
| | | | | Adam's World Videos: Adam's Ramadan Adam takes seriously his “Muslim job” of thanking Allah’s creation. Giving thanks to a bus driver, a good friend, or even parents is another way of showing gratitude to Allah for His blessings. The Arabic letter “sheen” for shukr and the English letter “G” for gratitude are featured. A beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called “Daily Prayer” rounds out the lesson. (8:53) |
| | | Sound Vision has BIG plans for your children this Ramadan! Classes have started but there is still time to join! |
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| During the entire month of Ramadan, creative hosts will engage students with games, stories, songs, art and movement activities, cooking demonstrations, and more! Keep your children busy and inspired to learn to love Allah and to follow His guidance. Our 2024 Race4Rewards online children’s classes will target two different age groups: Adam’s World Club classes are designed for children ages 4-7. Colors of Islam Club classes are designed children ages 8-12. Visit Academy.AdamsWorld.org for more details and to register online. Muslim Home subscribers can use coupon code MuslimHome15 for a 15% discount! |
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| | | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. |
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