|  | Nurturing the Next Generation Project of Sound Vision |
| |  | Help Your Children Sleep Better with a Wind Down Routine By Melissa Barreto During sleep, the body cycles through many different stages that allow it to rest, brain waves to activate, and hormones responsible for your child’s healthy growth and development to be released. How much sleep your child needs for good health and development will vary by age but one of the best ways to ensure that your children get the sleep they need, in every stage of life, is to have a nightly wind-down routine. |
| | | Parenting Tip Sleep is something that we often take for granted, that is, until we don’t get enough of it. Learn more about the importance of sleep for yourself and your children. |
| |  | The Importance of Sleep for Adults By Sumayya Khan It is estimated that the average adult spends one third of his/her life sleeping. Imagine what we could achieve if we productively used even half of the time we slept! Regardless of how we feel about wasted time, sleep is vital to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It is important to learn about the many benefits of sleep to our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. As an added bonus this article also includes several tips on improving your sleep! |
| | | Inspiration “Relatively little is known about the psychology of dreams, but the act of dreaming can improve creativity. For some, dreaming can also improve problem-solving skills. The more opportunity we give our brains to rest and recover, the more opportunity we give our brains to tap into creativity.” Colleen Ehrnstrom, Ph.D., ABPP, licensed clinical psychologist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
| |  | A Collection of Sunnahs on Sleep By Wendy Díaz As Muslims, we strive to live intentionally, staying connected to our Creator through our worship and actions. Thus, we must also sleep intentionally. For the overworked and depleted parents out there, I have some good news! There are things we can do to maximize our time even when while we are sleeping. If we implement the Sunnahs of sleep as advised by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, we can be productive even with our eyes closed! |
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| | | Islamic Guidance “It is out of His mercy that He has made for you the day and night so that you may rest ˹in the latter˺ and seek His bounty ˹in the former,˺ and perhaps you will be grateful.” (Surah Al-Qasas, 28:73) |
| |  | The Nocturnal Muslim By C. Islaah Abd’al-Rahim Every part of our lives, no matter how mundane, is connected to our relationship with Allah. Even our ways of dealing with our nighttime routines and sleep have been addressed in the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. While there are many permissible reasons why a Muslim might be awake at night, the best reason to be up is so that we can worship Allah. |
| | | Interesting Details There are several ways to work on improving our sleep. - Have a regular sleep and wake time to set your circadian rhythm straight.
- Avoid looking at a screen one hour before bedtime.
- Keep the bedroom dark and cool.
- Avoid heavy meals right before bedtime.
- Exercise regularly.
For more details, read the full article The Importance of Sleep for Adults |
| |  | How I Lost Weight and Gained Sleep By Laura El Alam When writer Laura El Alam needs an iman boost, there is a go-to book within reach on her nightstand - Reflecting on the Names of Allah by Ustadha Dr. Jinan Yousef. In this review she identifies several redeeming qualities like how the book flows beautifully in English, is well organized and easy to read, and has a table of contents that makes it easy to look up a specific name and delve into its profound meaning. It sounds like this would be a great resource for every home. Read more in the full review. |
| | | |  | Adam’s World Video: Bad Dreams Be Gone! Allah says in the Quran, “Call upon me, and I will respond to you.” In this new series of short videos, Adam reflects upon the guidance of the Quran and is grateful that Allah always hears us, no matter what! (2:13) Keep sound Islamic content in front of your children throughout the year! Rather than depend on an old VHS-tape, you can have 24/7 access to classic and new Adam’s Worlds episodes on our convenient app. Visit Adam's World for more details and take advantage of a free trial period. |
| | | -- COMING SOON -- Take Me to the Kabbah: A Hajj Journey Learn about the 5th pillar of Islam and the journey of a lifetime in LIVE online children’s classes designed for ages 4-12. |
| | Make good use of these engaging courses that are fun for the entire family! |
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| 💝 Muslim Home subscribers are treated to a discount! 💝 Use coupon code MuslimHome15 for a 15% discount on all of our children's classes! |
| |  | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. |
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