Nurturing the Next Generation
Project Of Sound Vision


Support for Muslim Youth Musings

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Many companies and organizations assist budding writers. Muslim Youth Musings has carved out a niche for Muslim youth by offering support to publish their work and build skills and confidence. Writers aged 13-39 are encouraged to submit an application and article for consideration. From there they meet several times with an editor to fine tune and reflect on their creative work. Founder Arif Kabir set down with Sound Vision to talk about the organization’s humble beginnings and noble goals for the future.


 Parenting Tip

Muslim youth are engaged in some AWESOME endeavors, challenging themselves and others to live according to Islamic guidance and live up to their best selves. They deserve our attention and support.


Essa Albinali: Accomplished Young Author, Scientist

By Laura El Alam

Eissa Albinali looks like any other teenage boy we might see at the local masjid, or in our child’s friend group. Writer Laura El Alam learned in her recent interview why this young man truly stands out among his peers. He is a budding research scientist, a published children’s book author, and hopes to pursue medicine in college. Eissa is grounded in his faith and has lots of practical advice for other Muslim youth about  juggling their interests and Islamic obligations. “Practicing Islam does not have to be separate from anything you do, in fact, it should be the first thing and everything will fall into place.”



“The heart of a youth is like an uncultivated piece of land, it shall accept whatever is planted on it.” 

Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth caliph of Islam


Our Children Make Great Advocates

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

It is important to find every available means of reinforcing positive images of Muslims children. In many instances, our own children can be great advocates for themselves. And parents can do a lot to help this along. Uthman Guadalupe is a skilled artist and has illustrated a number of children’s books. He is a great role model for other Muslim youth.


Islamic Guidance

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before your busyness, and your life before your death.” 

(Shu’ab al-Iman 9767)


The Impact of Environmentalism on My Islam

By Jana Jandal Alrifai

Jana Jandal Alrifai is a 17-year-old Canadian youth whose essay was one of 20 winning entries in a project entitled Our Climate, Our Stories. The project was born out of the desire to educate about the disproportionate impacts that the changing climate has on racially diverse communities. She writes about how her practice of Islam was enhanced by her attention to the environment. It behooves us to listen and be enlightened by our youth. 


Interesting Facts

The Sahabahs or companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, were ordinary youths who gathered together and accepted the message of Islam. They were the best generation and excelled in four important areas. That’s what made them STARs. 

Spirituality Training Activism Relationships

“It’s time for us all to improve ourselves, and light up the night sky once again." Jawad Ahmad Khan

Read more about their amazing characters can inspire youth today in How YOU(th) can be a STAR!


Keys to the Kingdom: Engaging Youth in Proactive Thinking about Palestine

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Keys to the Kingdom is a four-part video series designed by to give Muslim children answers to their questions about the atrocities in Palestine. It provides a way to understand several conflicting feelings about what they are seeing and hearing, a reference to pertinent Islamic history from the region, and also advice on what are our children can do to make a difference. The video series is best suited for children ages 10+ and will provide a lot of context for future discussion.


Online Resources

8 Ways to Connect Young Muslims to Prayer - This article identifies a number of ways to encourage your children to attend to daily prayers.

Drawing Inspiration from Influential Muslim Woman Scholars - The lives of six notable women scholars are featured in this article and they can be role models for us all.

How YOU(th) can be a STAR! - This is a great reminder about what it takes to be a star.

Advancing Women in Science - The Association for Women in Science provides a number of resources to encourage and support education and career opportunities for girls and women in science, including scholarships!


Adam's World Video: Adam Helps Everyone

Adam is gathering donations to take to the food bank. In the process, he teaches Aneesah about the importance of taking care of others. The Arabic letter “khaa” for khair and the English letter “G” for good are showcased. There is also a beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby about the importance of community. (6:44)


LIVE online classes have started ... It's not too late to join!

☪️ Developing the Best Character

🔎 Stories, games, art and cooking projects, Arabic vocabulary, and more!

🗓️ 8-wk semester begins soon!

⏰ Classes 5:30-6pm EDT, Mondays thru Fridays

Visit for details and online registration.

☪️ Foundations of Faith

🔎 Engaging instruction, discussions, online games, art projects, and more!

🗓️ 8-wk semester begins soon!

⏰ Classes 12N-1:30pm EDT, Saturdays

Visit for details and online registration.


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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