Teaching Our Childen to Thank Allah

By Wendy Díaz

By nature, human beings possess an inclination toward the worship of a supreme creator, and parents play a pivotal role in nurturing this instinct. One necessary characteristic of a believing servant is expressing gratitude. The first thing that children should know is that to thank Allah, we should know Him. After we have gotten to know him, there are many other ways that we can show gratitude. Writer Wendy Díaz outlines six distinct ways to teach your children to give thanks to Allah.


 Parenting Tip

Thanksgiving has come and gone. For the Muslim, gratitude is a quality that is essential every day. And for Muslim parents, passing along these virtues and habits to our children is accomplished through words and deeds.


Be Mindful of Your Blessing with The Shukr Lifestyle: A Gratitude Journal

By Laura El Alam

Most of us would like to show gratitude to our Creator and receive even more of His gifts, but in the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be easy to forget this important act of worship. After all, sincere gratitude takes mindfulness. Although life is full of obligations and lengthy to-do lists, making gratitude a part of our daily routine can be an excellent way to ensure that we are showing enough thankfulness to the One who has given us everything. Resources like The Shukr Lifestyle gratitude journal can help.




“Be grateful for your life, every detail of it, and your face will come to shine like a sun, and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful.” 

Rumi, 13th Century Afghan poet and scholar



Cultivating Gratitude through Dhikr

By Umm Ahmed

Most scholars affirm that the essence of thankfulness toward Allah finds its truest expression through a combination of intentions, words, and actions. It is crucial to recognize that the depth of our gratitude and connection with Allah is not determined by the quantity but rather by the sincerity and beauty infused into our remembrance. Striving to engage in the remembrance of Allah with genuine sincerity, irrespective of the quantity, enables us to foster a profound sense of gratitude and a stronger bond with Him.


Islamic Guidance

“And ˹remember˺ when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.’” 

(Surah Ibraheem, 14:7)


Making Gratitude a Foundation for Your Parenting

By Melissa Barreto

Each and every one of our children were created just for us and we were created just for them. Our unique families, our parenting journeys, who we have become as a mother or father, has all been meticulously and lovingly designed by the All Wise and Most Merciful. We didn’t pick our children, Allah did. And for that, we must be eternally grateful. Learn more about making gratitude a foundation for your parenting. It’s a game changer!


Interesting Facts

The following benefits of gratitude have been documented scientifically:

  • Gratitude helps improve sleep.
  • Gratitude motivates you to exercise.
  • Gratitude helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Gratitude improves pain tolerance.
  • Gratitude makes you more optimistic.
  • Gratitude boosts self-confidence.
  • Gratitude improves patience.

You can read about additional benefits in 35 Scientific Benefits of Gratitude: Mental Health Research Findings


Instilling an Attitude of Gratitude into the Hearts of our Children

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

As parents, our own attitude toward gratitude is significantly important to the way our children also think about and practice this value. Every bit of energy you can put into this task is worthy of the effort. Here are 7 practical ways to instill an attitude of gratitude in the hearts of your children.

  1. Reflect on your own behavior. 
  2. Encourage your child to say “thank you” on a regular basis.
  3. See the beauty and wonder in simple things. 
  4. Make time to reflect as a family. 
  5. Perform acts of kindness. 
  6. Look for the good in everything. 
  7. Create a family gratitude project. 

Read about the details in the full article.


Online Resources

Coming Closer to Allah with a Gratitude Board - A gratitude board is a wonderful project to work on as a family.

Gratitude Jar Project - Blissful Kids suggests trying a Gratitude Jar to build mindfulness with tweens and teens. Tangible projects can help both parents and kids practice gratitude daily. 

Expressing Gratitude with Handwritten Notes - Learn how to use handwritten notes to express thanks and bring joy to those you love.

Book Review: Learning to Pay It Forward with Ordinary Mary - This is a cute book about how ordinary people can do extraordinary things.


Adam's World Video: Adam's Attitude of Gratitude

BRAND NEW EPISODE! Adam takes seriously his “Muslim job” of thanking Allah’s creation. Giving thanks to a bus driver, a good friend, or even parents is another way of showing gratitude to Allah for His blessings. The Arabic letter “sheen” for shukr and the English letter “G” for gratitude are featured. There is also a beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called “Daily Prayer” that nicely complements the lesson. (8:53)


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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