Nurturing the Next Generation
Project Of Sound Vision


The Importance of Names and Avoiding Name-calling in Islam

By Wendy Díaz

Name-calling is frequently regarded lightly, often used in jest or humor. The youth are especially prone to fall into the habit of calling their friends offensive nicknames, leading to desensitization over time. It is crucial to address this negative tendency early on by reinforcing the significance of names in Islam and by reminding them about the firm prohibitions against derogatory language and insults aimed at fellow Muslims and others.


 Parenting Tip

Children take in lots of information about the world they live in. Much of that happens at home, with parents playing a major role. Learning to communicate in a manner that is positive and productive is essential. That goal is aided by escaping a judgmental attitude.


How Children Live Up to the Labels Parents Give Them

By Sumayya Khan

Our children take our word as law. What we say to them becomes the voices inside their heads. When children are labeled, it can affect their sense of self and how they are treated, and limit their potential. Negative labels can make parents (and caregivers or adults) expect the worst, and even positive labels can be challenging. Learn more about how to avoid unfavorable labeling.



“Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.”

Wayne Dyer, American self-help author and a motivational speaker



Parenting Tip: Asking Instead of Assuming

By Melissa Barreto

When we negatively assume things about our children’s character and react to their behavior based on those assumptions, we prime our relationship for conflict. We assume and react, and they defend. We assume and react again, and they defend again. Now not only do we assume the children are behaving “badly” but we also begin thinking of them as defiant and argumentative and carry those assumptions into the next reaction. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Learn more about how to avoid the assumption dynamic.


Islamic Guidance

Allah tells us, 

“There is nothing like Him: He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.” 

(Surah Ash-Shuraa, 42:11)


What Time and Experience Have Taught Me about Being Judgmental

[Author's name held by request]

“I am ashamed, now, to reflect on those unkind, judgemental thoughts I used to have, even if they were often unconscious and unarticulated. I now realize those verdicts were coming from a place of arrogance and privilege. I wasn't privy to the life circumstances or unique challenges of the people I judged; I merely looked at the surface and concluded they weren't trying hard enough.” The author has learned an important lesson since about judging others: the very thing you harshly criticize in someone else will very likely come back to bite you.


Interesting Facts

Decreasing negative judgments can help increase empathy, compassion, and overall contentment. Below are some things you can do to help you stop judging others so harshly.

  • Practice curiosity.
  • Notice your thoughts.
  • Practice empathy.
  • Reframe.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Practice self-compassion.

For more details, read the full article at How To Stop Judging Others.


Book Review: Made from the Same Dough

By Melissa Barreto

The dynamics in a family where the adults practice different faiths can be quite challenging. Made from the Same Dough by Laura El Alam offers a first-hand look at how those differences can also cause anxiety, even for our children. The book uncovers the fears of its young main character who allows concern about the judgment of those around him to override the opportunity to support his loving grandfather in a new adventure. The story sheds light on the nuances of how “people of different faiths can still share great bonds of love and respect each other’s beliefs and traditions.” It would make a great addition to your family bookshelf or the local library, and a nice gift for any occasion.


Online Resources

The Effects of Labeling in Education - This article focuses attention on the needs and dangers of labeling in an education setting.

Embracing the Neurodiverse Child - This is a nice introduction to recognizing and embracing the neurodiverse child.

Language Matters When Discussing Disability, Divergence - Learn more about the importance of using supportive language when discussing disabilities and neurodivergence.

Being Antiracist is an Islamic Obligation - Racism is an extension of making judgements and there is no place for it in Islam.


Adam’s World Video - Mistakes Are Important

Adam hates making mistakes and gets into a tussle with Aneesaah about striving for perfection. Mama and Dad bot have much to say about that goal and how mistakes are the way all humans learn to be their best. The Arabic letter “dahl” is showcased for the word duaa and the English letter “P” for prayer. A beautiful nasheed called Everybody Makes Mistakes by Dawud Wharnsby complements the lesson. (8:03)


NEW LIVE online classes start soon. Check out the details.

☪️ Developing the Best Character

🔎 Stories, games, art and cooking projects, Arabic vocabulary, and more!

🗓️ 8-wk semester begins soon!

⏰ Classes 5:30-6pm EDT, Mondays thru Fridays

Visit for details and online registration.

☪️ Foundations of Faith

🔎 Engaging instruction, discussions, online games, art projects, and more!

🗓️ 8-wk semester begins soon!

⏰ Classes 12N-1:30pm EDT, Saturdays

Visit for details and online registration.


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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