Nurturing the Next Generation
Project Of Sound Vision


Protect Your Kids from Online Porn

By Laura El Alam

“According to the most recent statistics, 49% of young adults ages 18-24 say all or most of their friends use porn on a regular basis; 62% of teens and young adults report receiving a nude image from someone else via email, social media or app. And porn use is widespread regardless of faith practices, Muslim youth included.” Parents must be aware and play an active role to protect their kids from online porn. Here are 5 specific steps you can take today.


 Parenting Tip

Technology is all around us and we anticipate its further expansion. There can be benefits to faster computing, increased opportunities to communicate globally, and advancements in science and medicine. But there are also many dangers. Parents must be knowledgable, make use of safey measures, and be good role models for their children.


Chat GPT and Academic Dishonesty

By Sumayya Khan

The technology advancement known as Chat GPT has taken the world by storm, bringing with it many issues that have yet to be regulated by authorities. One of the biggest challenges for educators and students is the matter of using the chatbot to write assignments like resumes, social media posts, essays, emails, almost anything that requires writing. Students have enjoyed the access to quick and effortless information and educators are now tasked with trying to decipher whether an assignment has been written by a chatbot or a human. Parents need to keep up-to-date with the introduction of Chat GPT and the benefits as well as the challenges it brings.



“Technology will never replace great teachers, but in the hands of great teachers, it’s transformational.” 

– George Couros, worldwide leader in the area of innovative teaching and learning


The Consequences of Social Media Use on Our Children's Growth and Development

By Tayaabah Qazi

More recently, the scientific research and medical communities have observed the rise of negative effects of social media on our children in later years. We need to educate ourselves and figure out how to help them keep their physical, emotional, and spiritual development optimized. For this, we need to know the phenomenon of social media use inside and out, its effects on our children’s physical, emotional, and spiritual development, and how to use it to our advantage.


Islamic Guidance

Allah tells us, 

“There is nothing like Him: He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.” 

(Surah Ash-Shuraa, 42:11)


11 Ways to See Technology and Social Media for the Good

By Samana Siddiqui

These days teenagers are spending more time using all kinds of social media than interacting with parents and teachers. While cutting back is essential, so is learning how to effectively engage these new tools for the good of families and kids. While we should be rightly concerned about things like sexting and illicit content, we cannot deny the power of social media platforms to do good. Social media, and media in general, can be used to build faith and family ties. Check out some suggestions in the full article.


Smartphone Alternatives for Kids

By Melissa Barreto

While many parents don’t want to add more exposure or risk for their children, we need to have a safe way to reach and communicate with our children when we are apart. But is a smartphone really the best thing to hand over to our 8-year-old? Is it any safer for our 17-year-old? Learn about alternatives that have all of the bells and whistles but less of the dangers.


Interesting Facts

American Muslim children are increasingly experiencing identity-based bullying and harassment. A report by the Council of American Islamic Relations on bullying of Muslim students in California found that:

  • 57% of Muslim students interviewed reported seeing offensive statements by other students about Muslims on social media.
  • 26% reported being victims of cyberbullying due to their faith.
  • 53% reported witnessing or experiencing being verbally bullied for being Muslim.
  • 19% report being physically harmed or harassed for being Muslim.
  • 19% report seeing other students being physically harmed or harassed for being Muslim.

​​​​​​​For more details, see 20 Eye-Opening Smart Home Statistics to Know in 2023.


Online Resources

My AI: The Dangers of Its Answers on Gender Identity - This is an important read about how AI can influence thinking on LGBTQ+ issues.

The Pros and Cons of Integrating Technology into the Classroom - Check out how technology use in the classroom can have pros and cons.

Is Your Teen Addicted to Tech? How to Stop Panicking and Create Healthy Solutions - This article is packed with helpful solutions to keep your teens safe.

The Impact of Information Technology on Islamic Behaviour - This academic paper provides interesting insights into the dangers of advancing technologies.


Adam’s World Video - Adam vs. the Dark Side

The Battle between Good and Evil is taking place inside of Adam! Mama teaches him the ultimate secret to earning Allah’s pleasure and strengthening the Force. Can you guess what the secret is? The Arabic letter “khaa” for the word khair and the English letter “G” for good deeds. A beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called Piles of Smiles complements the lesson. (12:45)


NEW LIVE online classes start soon. Check out the details.

☪️ Developing the Best Character

🔎 Stories, games, art and cooking projects, Arabic vocabulary, and more!

🗓️ 8-wk semester begins soon!

⏰ Classes 5:30-6pm EDT, Mondays thru Fridays

Visit for details and online registration.

☪️ Foundations of Faith

🔎 Engaging instruction, discussions, online games, art projects, and more!

🗓️ 8-wk semester begins soon!

⏰ Classes 12N-1:30pm EDT, Saturdays

Visit for details and online registration.


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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