Showing Love for Our Neighbors

By Laura El Alam

In Islam, neighbors are not just the people who live nearby – strangers whose mail we occasionally receive by accident or whose pets or children sometimes run into our yard. Our neighbors have rights on us, and Allah commands us to be kind to them. In many neighborhoods in the West, the people next door are non-Muslims, so the acts of kindness are doubly impactful; they are pleasing Allah while also demonstrating that Muslims are generous, trustworthy, responsible, and caring.


 Parenting Tip

Relationships matter. They are ever-present in our lives as parents and grandparents, children, siblings, sons and daughters, neighbors, and more. And the manner in which we develop, nurture, and maintain them matters, too.


10 Tabletop Games to Strengthen Family Bonds

By Uthman Guadalupe

There are many ways to strengthen your relationship with your child. Spending time together, such as eating meals, reading books, or conversing will help. One of the best ways to bond as a family is to have a daily/weekly routine. These can include weekly outings like going to the mall or scheduling a family movie or game night. Games are a great way to increase face-to-face interactions, relieve anxiety, improve attention span, and strengthen bonds. Here are some of writer Uthman Guadalupe’s favorites.



"Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you."

H. Jackson Brown, Jr., American best-selling author of Life's Little Instructions




Nurturing Strong Sibling Relationships

By Sumayya Khan

Did you know that the longest-lasting blood relationship is that of your siblings? They generally outlive your parents, aunts, uncles, and even your spouse in some cases. Usually, they will spend most of your childhood and adolescence with you, witnessing your crucial stages of growth over the years physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially. As adults, we should continue to maintain or rekindle a strong relationship with them, and help our own children realize the importance of regularly maintaining a good relationship with their own siblings.


Prophetic Guidance

“None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." 

(Sahih Bukhari)


Parenting Adult Children: Keeping Calm and Strengthening Ties

By Wendy Díaz

If you speak to any veteran mother who has raised her children into adulthood, they will caution you with the same advice: “Parenting does not get any easier as children get older.” The fears, the guilt, and the hard work does not end for committed parents. Muslim parents have an added stressor when it comes to their adult children – keeping their feet planted and firm on the Straight Path. Writer Wendy Díaz takes a comprehensive look at the topic and provides some great tips to assist with transitions that need to take place as children grow into adulthood.


Interesting Facts

Here are 8 ways your siblings can be a source of barakah or blessings for you.

  • Passing on knowledge is sadaqah jariyah
  • Link to childhood blessings
  • Reminder of your parents
  • Lifelong friend
  • Improved mental health
  • Role model and motivation
  • Intellectual growth
  • Someone to assist

To check out more details on each of these blessings, read the full article here.


Super Granny to the Rescuue

By Tayaabah Qazi

Grandmothers are a blessing. Grammy, Meemaw, Nani/Dadi, Abuela, Bibi, or Babushka come in all shapes and forms. They babysit for working parents, help new parents, and sometimes become sole providers for their grandchildren. Often, intergenerational gaps become difficult to navigate between parents and grandmothers. However, we know that everything Granny does comes from her heart. Learn more about how grandmothers contribute in physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual ways and why those contributions should not be taken for granted.


Online Resources

Brotherhood and Sisterhood Are Spiritual Journeys - The notion of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam is based on the love of Allah and those who follow His guidance.

Ingredients of Marital Love in Islam - This is a wonderful reminder about how to nurture healthy and loving relationships with your spouse.

Making Gratitude the Foundation of Your Parenting - Enhance your relationship with your children by first being grateful for the opportunity.

Taking an Active Role in your School Community - Being active in your child’s school community brings benefits to more than just your own family.


Adam's World: What's with the watermelons?

There are a wealth of resources for children on the Adam's World App including this first of a six-part collection of nasheeds or Islamic songs. Featured in this video is Dawud Wharnsby's classic One Big Family


Join our LIVE online children's classes now!


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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