The Pros and Cons of Integrating Technology into the Classroom

By Sumayya Khan

Education is an ever-changing field as new research in neuropsychology within the realm of learning and memory is discovered and influences how we teach students. In the last 15 years, there has been an increase in the use of technology in classrooms. In some manner, we are still learning about the full effects it has on learning inside and outside of the classroom. And there are clear benefits and disadvantages.


 Parenting Tip

Memory plays a role in just about everything we do. There are many ways to go about improving our memory and recall functions. Parents can also help their children with these tips and skills.


Should My Child Memorize the Quran? Part 1: Consider the Benefits

By Wendy Díaz

There are numerous reasons why Muslim parents want their children to memorize the Quran. In no other faith are worshippers of every rank, from the layman to the scholar, encouraged to memorize the entirety of their religious text. Committing the Quran to memory guarantees endless rewards for the person who does so with pure sincerity and with the intention to put its wisdom into practice. Here is a list of 10 advantages your child gains from memorizing the Quran. And there are physiological benefits, too!



“Memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth, but not its twin.”

– Barbara Kingsolver, Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, essayist, and poet




Should My Child Memorize the Quran? Part 2: Ten Steps to Prepare

By Wendy Díaz

Having the ability to memorize the Quran in a formal setting is an opportunity of a lifetime, but it is not easy. It may seem like the child is the one who must put forth the maximum amount of effort to learn, when in fact, the entire family is just as involved in every step of the memorization process. Here are 10 steps you can take as a parent to ensure your child has a good experience.


Islamic Guidance

“It will be said to the person who memorized Quran, ‘Read, ascend, and recite with slow, rhythmic chanting just as you used to recite in the worldly life. For verily your position (in Paradise) will be at the place of the last verse that you recite.” 

(Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi)


Importance of Sleep for Adults

By Sumayya Khan

It is estimated that the average adult spends one third of his/her life sleeping. Imagine what we could achieve if we productively used even half of the time we slept! Regardless of how we feel about wasted time, sleep is vital to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It is important to learn about the many benefits of sleep, including how it impacts our memories. As an added bonus this article also includes several tips on improving your sleep!


Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts on memory and retention:

  • People forget an average of 50% of new information within one hour, 70% within 24 hours, and up to 90% within a week. 
  • People retain 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 50% of what they see. However, active learning and participation can help people retain more. 
  • The human brain has a memory capacity of around 2.5 million gigabytes, which is much larger than the biggest hard drive. 
  • A study found that women have better memories than men throughout life, though their ability to recall dips at menopause. 
  • Forgetting isn't always the learner's fault. The presentation of information can hinder or spur memory. People often forget because it was never actually learned in the first place.

Strategies for Your ADHD Learner

By Umm Ahmed

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD can be an often misunderstood label. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 6 million children diagnosed with ADHD from 2016-19. Despite how common ADHD diagnoses are in the United States, many parents, educators, and even the children diagnosed don’t truly understand the breadth or depth of what it means for a child to live with ADHD or how to support them.


Online Resources

Talking To Muslim Kids About The 9/11 Attacks: 10 Tips - With the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks looming, be sure to talk with your kids about the historic event and the painful aftermath for Muslims. 

Get your Kids Moving: The Benefits of Physical Activity - Benefits of physical activity include increased memory functions, cognition, executive functions, information processing and better attention and academic performance.

Embracing the Neurodiverse Child - Recognizing challenges early on will help parents and children maximize strengths and identifying needs.

10 Ways to Help Kids Remember What You Teach - This article has a nice collection of tips to assist you prepare lessons that are memorable.


The Azharis | Names of Allah 9 | Al-Jabbar

The Names of Allah is a 30-part series that helps children understand who Allah is, what the names of Allah mean, and how we can use them in our daily life. In each video, the Azhari family goes into detail about one of Allah’s names - in this instance Al-Jabbar, The Fixer. There is also a story of the Prophet Yusha. It is another fun way for the entire family to learn about our deen. (9:29)


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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