Nurturing the Next Generation
Project of Sound Vision


The Relationship between Sports and Academic Success

By Wendy Díaz

When children’s grades take a nosedive, the instinct of many parents is to stop all extracurriculars so they can focus solely on their academics. Depending on certain factors, however, that reaction could be detrimental to their physical and mental well-being. Extracurricular activities can take many forms like clubs, student government, art, and community service, but for this article, writer Wendy Díaz will focus on the importance of movement-based activities and how they can help rather than hinder a child’s academic performance.


 Parenting Tip

Learning takes place inside and outside of the classroom. Parents need to be aware of the role they play in both areas and how to expand learning opportunities in every aspect of the world around us.


Enrich Your Child’s Education by Hosting a Club

By Laura El Alam

Some of writer Laura El Alam’s daughters’ happiest memories came from the extra-curricular clubs they participated in during their pre-teen years. One daughter took part in a Muslim book club, and the other in a secular writing club. What exactly do clubs like this entail? What are their benefits? Are they easy to run? Explore the benefits of clubs and how to enhance your child’s learning opportunities by forming a club yourself. 



“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

– Benjamin Franklin


The Connection between Literacy and Learning

By Wendy Díaz

In recent years, educators in both public and private schools are relying heavily on electronic devices for instruction in the classroom. As a result, students are not learning traditional note-taking skills, journaling, penmanship, spelling, or vocabulary. There seems to be an emphasis on digital literacy over conventional literacy skills. Although technology is important for students to learn, reading and writing are critical pathways to knowledge acquisition. This is evidenced by research data and also practical experience. Find out why there is a strong connection between literacy and learning and what you can do to help.



“O Allah indeed I ask You for beneficial knowledge, and a good Halal provision, and actions which are accepted.”

Sunan of Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Book 5, Hadith 925


Practical Solutions to Address Learning Loss

By Tayaabah Qazi

These are challenging times for educators and parents alike. School districts nationwide are taking drastic and necessary actions to remedy learning loss. There is no one perfect solution but a dire need for parents and their children’s schools to come together to work toward better educational programs. Longtime educator Tayaabah Qazi takes a look at what parents can do to save the academic future of their children while the school district comes up with a solid plan of action.


Intersting Facts

School districts nationwide are facing enrollment decline, thus loosing funding necessary for optimal school programming. Here are some alarming statistics that are driving these changes:

  • Chronic absenteeism was on the rise during the full school year of 2022-21, jumping from 8 million to 10.1 million across the states, playing a direct role in the declining assessment scores. 
  • Years of educational gains were lost, particularly in the subject of Mathematics where most decline has been documented. In Texas, students performing above or at grade level dropped by 15% in 2021. (Lopez, 2022)
  • There is an expedited exit of experienced teachers from all over the country, half of them citing Covid-19 pandemic as the prime reason for leaving.  Forbes reports that teacher attrition will incline from 16% average per year up to 25-54%.

The World Cup: A Grand Teachable Moment

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Soccer fans of all ages look forward to watching the beautiful game on the World Cup stage. Many homeschoolers use their natural interests to capitalize on a wide variety of learning opportunities related to the tournament. Regardless of whether you are a fan, there is much to learn about creating multidisciplinary lessons from contemporary events. Take a closer look at 50 potential lessons that can make  learning from the 2022 World Cup in Qatar great fun.


Online Resources

Lazy Tongues and Language Deficits - This is an insightful article about how important it is for parents to assist their children with language development. 

Helping Children Learn New Skill - Check out these tips to make learning fun.

Fostering Children’s Intelligence through Play - This is a nice article that reminds how important play is to learning.

Exploring the World through Repetition - Learn more about eight different types of schematic or repetitive play that foster learning for young children.

Adam’s World Video: Count Your Blessings

We have just loaded another NEW episode to the Adam’s World App. Check it out!

In this video, Adam’s day wasn’t going as planned. He noticed his little sister Aneesah counting everything around her but didn’t realize why at first. Come to find out, she was teaching him about being grateful! The Arabic letter “baa” is showcased for baraka and the English letter “b” is showcased for “blessings.” A fun nasheed called “Remember Allah” by Ilyas Mao is also included. (8:19)


Sound Vision's work to provide Muslim parents and children with inspiring Islamic content is a true passion project. For more than 30 years, we have created children's programming and that work has helped raise generations of Muslims on lessons about Islam from Adam's World videos. Many of those children are now parents themselves and are turning once again to Sound Vision to bring dynamic Islamic content into their homes and to the next generation. 

We are joining non-profits across the globe to ask for your support and financial assistance just in time for an end-of-year tax write off!

Here are just some of our accomplishments:

🥰 We have hosted more than 500 online classes for children ages 3-12 across the globe! Parents love the engaging content and amazing role models. Children are learning while having FUN! 

☪️ We have added new episodes to our library of Adam’s World videos, bringing more antics (and lessons) from Adam and his little sister Aneesah to our mobile app and making the content accessible 24/7! 

🏡 We have published our Muslim Home online newsletter to bring weekly insights and information to assist parents with everyday challenges from an Islamic perspective!

And we need your help to continue this important work!

🎁 Your financial assistance will be a great help for these projects. But it will also help you earn sadaqah jariyah – a continuous charity – for every lesson that helps a child learn more about our deen. That is an investment return that is unmatched in this world!

You can make a donation by visiting Sound Vision's website at

Thank you in advance for your support. Every little bit counts!


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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Sound Vision is a not for profit tax exempt 501 (C) 3 organization •

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