|  | Nurturing the Next Generation Project of Sound Vision |
| |  | Reinforcing Good Hygiene Practices from an Early Age By Umm Ahmed Reinforcing good hygiene practices from an early age is important for several reasons. Firstly, because it is deemed essentially as half of our faith by the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. Additionally, because it helps preserve our health and protect us and others around us from the spread of infections causing potential illnesses and health problems. Writer Umm Ahmed encourages parents to teach their children the importance of hygiene by modeling good practices and concentrating on four areas: - Taking care of our bodies
- Attending to toilet hygiene
- Limiting the spread of germs
- Keeping the environment clean
Learn more in the full article. |
| | | Parenting Tip Allah has provided each of us with a body and we are all responsible for taking care of it. Our children need to learn this lesson from an early age and parents are their first teachers. Look to the Quran and Sunnah for guidance about promoting good hygiene. |
| |  | The Sunnahs of Cleanliness By Wendy Díaz For Muslims, maintaining good hygiene is not just an excellent habit, but part of our faith. Physical cleanliness and spiritual well-being go hand in hand. Keeping our environment, our homes, and our people clean helps to maintain a healthy, balanced society. Learn more from the lessons that Prophet Muhammad taught us about how to purify ourselves inside and out. |
| | | Inspiration The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Cleanliness is half of faith…” (Muslim) |
| |  | Five Positive Messages for Kids about Cleanliness By Melissa Barreto Trying to teach our children about cleanliness can feel like a never-ending battle. But with a little modeling, a lot of positive reinforcement, and simple systems that make sense for all, children can learn to keep themselves and their spaces clean. Writer Melissa Barreto has five positive messages about cleanliness that can help. |
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| | Islamic Guidance “Successful indeed are those who purify themselves.” (Surah Al-A’la, 87:14) |
| |  | More than Miswak: The Tradition of Oral Hygiene in Islam By Candice Islaah Abd'al-Rahim Good hygiene is extremely important in Islam and the Islamic emphasis on cleanliness is particularly evident in its focus on oral hygiene, the practice of keeping the mouth clean and healthy. The mouth has both a physical and a spiritual significance. Without a physically healthy mouth, it is difficult for us to eat, drink, smile, laugh, or show certain emotions based on facial expressions. There are many lessons to learn and pass along to our children. |
| | | Interesting Facts In the U.S., good personal hygiene is strongly promoted and 92% say maintaining good hygiene is a top priority.3 A recent IPSOS poll indicated, the average American will: - shower 6.4 times per week
- wash their hair 4.8 times per week, floss 4 times per week
- brush their hair 1.8 times per day
- brush their teeth 1.9 times per day1
However, other stats suggest the opposite is also true: - 42% of Americans do not wash their hands every time they use the restroom
- most Americans go to work when sick
- 71% of men have urinated in a bush or tree in a non-residential area1
- of the 25 most populated and popular American cities, 40% are rated as bad/poor in hygienic practices in public places3
For further reading on any of the data above, see the following sources. 1 Hygiene and Cleanliness in the U.S. | Ipsos 2 United States of bad hygiene and habits | YouGov 3 Health & Hygiene Confessions: America's Filthiest Cities Revealed |
| |  | Four Strategies to Make your Home a "Shoes-Off" Sanctuary By Laura El Alam Even though keeping germ-ridden shoes off our carpets might seem like a no-brainer, asking visitors to remove their footwear can feel awkward, at times. Learning more about the reasons to make our homes “shoes off” sanctuaries can help us take more control of our home environments. But how can we diplomatically enforce our house rules when some guests or maintenance workers firmly want or need to keep their shoes on? Writer Laura El Alam offers four simple strategies to keep your home a “shoe-free zone” that will make the whole situation less sticky (literally and figuratively!) |
| | | Online Resources Good Hygiene Is a Civic Duty - This is a reminder that promoting cleanliness is not just an individual responsibility but a collective responsibility as well. The Blessings of Those Who Clean - This is a nice historic reference to Islamic guidance and traditions about cleaning in our homes and communities. A Muslim Kids Roles and Responsibilities - This is an interesting article about the importance of chores (think about cleaning as an opportunity here) in a family. Kids Hygiene Art - This site has tons of craft ideas that can also reinforce good hygiene practices. |
|  | Adams World Video: Adam Learns to Take Care of His Body Adam had a hard day at school. Aneesah has her own way of reminding him about the rights that his body has and the importance of taking care of it. The Arabic letter “haa” is featured for haqq and the English letter “R” for right. A Dawud Wharnsby’s nasheed called Your Body Has a Right nicely complements the lesson. (7:35) |
| | | | Make good use of these engaging courses that are fun for the entire family! |
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| |  | The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same. |
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