Nurturing the Next Generation
Project of Sound Vision


Parenting Adult Children: Keeping Calm and Strengthening Ties

By Wendy Díaz

If you speak to any veteran mother who has raised her children into adulthood, they will caution you with the same advice: “Parenting does not get any easier as children get older.” The fears, the guilt, and the hard work does not end for committed parents. Muslim parents have an added stressor when it comes to their adult children – keeping their feet planted and firm on the Straight Path. Writer Wendy Díaz takes a comprehensive look at the topic and provides some great tips to assist with transitions that need to take place as children grow into adulthood.


 Parenting Tip

Parenting is a lifelong responsibility. As our children grow into adults and embark on their own quest for independence, our approaches to offering support and advice must also grow and change.


In the Tradition of Luqman and Nuh: Sharing Instructions for Life

By Candace Islaah Abd'al-Rahim

One of our main responsibilities to our children is to cultivate within them a belief in tawheed, the Oneness of Allah. This should ideally happen before adolescence. By the time the child is an adult, the parents’ role is to remind him/her of their duty to Allah. It is to advise them sincerely, with love, and concern. It is to provide encouragement. It is to pray for them. Learn more about the lessons we can take from Prophet Nuh, peace be upon him, and from the wise and noble Luqman.



There are five important questions to ask yourself about your relationship with your adult children. Are your parenting strategies:

  1. Moving toward independence?
  2. Balancing freedom and responsibility?
  3. Motivated primarily by love or fear?
  4. Providing guidance without enabling?
  5. Part of an ongoing dialogue?

Dr. Julie Hanks, licensed therapist, coach/educator, and author


College Is Not the Only Option for our New-Adult Children

By Tayaabah Qazi

Increasing tuition costs, declining college enrollments, high rates of burnout, uncertainty in the job market. These are just some of the challenges facing new-adults. Parents must understand that college is not for everyone. Longtime educator Tayaaba Qazi begs the question: how do any of us know what’s best in an ever-changing world?



Abdullah Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.” 

(Bukhari, Muslim)


When Grandparents Babysit: Tools and Tips

By Candace Islaah Abd'al-Rahim

Ideally, grandparent babysitters represent the best of both worlds - someone who both loves the child and who has accepted the task of watching the child for a brief period. Realistically, no parent is perfect, nor is any grandparent without flaws. Mistakes and misunderstandings will occur. Check out a number of helpful tips for parents and grandparent babysitters, too.


Interesting Facts

More adults are having to rely on support from their parents according to recent statistics. 

  • Monthly survey data showed the percentage of young adults aged 18-29 who were living with parents jumped from 47% to 52% between February and May 2020.
  • Nearly one in ten young adults (9%) said they relocated due to the pandemic, Pew reported. 
  • The figure then stayed at 52% through July 2020.

You can read more about the details here.


Book Review - That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story

By Laura El-Alam

Muslim parents and grown children who are looking for a spouse will find a charming blend of humor, faith, and insight in Huda Fahmy’s That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story. The story follows the author’s journey to find the perfect mate. She nearly gives up, deciding shift her focus to self-improvement and trust in Allah. That is when everything changed. Find out why reviewer Laura El Alam highly recommends the book.


Online Resources

College Certificate Programs: Life Enhancers for All Ages - This is a nice article that identifies various certificate programs which can help adults gain skills that translate into well-paying jobs.

You Never Stop Being a Parent; Transitioning to Raising Adult Children - This is a nice description of how parenting changes as your children get older.

When Your Adult Child Needs Help - This audio blog provides some tips to assist when adult children are engaging in self-destructive behaviors.

Relationships with Older and Adult Children - This Muslim Views article offers important tips to help you transition into a sound relationship with your adult children.

Adam’s World Video: Adam Learns Rahma

Adam is on a mission to kill a big spider in the living room when Aneesah teaches him an even bigger lesson about mercy. A beautiful nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby complements the storyline. (6:15)


LIVE online sessions will focus on Foods Loved by the Prophet Muhammad!

🎉Creative hosts use stories, songs, Arabic vocab, art and cooking projects to focus on a different food each week!

💝Engaging lessons and a welcoming environment touches hearts and minds!

⏰ Mondays-Thursdays, 5-5:30pm EST

🗓️ 8 full weeks of classes - 32 total! Starts on Jan. 16

 Unique programming is designed for ages 4-7 years

Family tuition fees, partial and full scholarships available.


LIVE online sessions will focus on Lessons from the Sahabah! 

🔎Creative hosts use stories, multimedia tools, art projects, and more!

🎉Online games, supplemental resources increase retention and FUN!

⏰ Saturdays, 12N-1:30pm EST

🗓️8 full weeks of classes - Starts on Jan. 21

Unique programming is designed for ages 8-12 years


Family tuition fees, partial and full scholarships available.



And if you cannot attend live classes, make good use of these engaging course that are fun for the entire family!


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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