Nurturing the Next Generation
Project of Sound Vision


Islamophobia: A Historic Timeline

By Wendy Diaz

When thinking about the topic of Islamophobia, the tendency is to focus on current events. And there are plenty that come to mind – anti-Muslim legislation in Western countries, rising hate crimes, and smear campaigns on mainstream and social media. These growing trends may give the impression that an irrational fear of Islam and Muslims is something unique to the 21st century. However, Islamophobia is as old as Islam itself. Learn more in this detailed timeline that tracks Islamophobia from the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, til now.


Parenting Tip

By a wide variety of measures, instances of Islamophobia are on the rise across the globe. Muslim parents must be aware of the challenges and also teach their children to respond to ignorance and hate in a safe and effective manner.


When Islamophobia and Racism Intersect

By Candice Islaah Abd'al-Rahim

Islamophobia and racism are two closely related evils. Both are centered around socially-constructed identities. Both involve labeling someone or some group as being different from a main group. Both may involve, to some degree, the use of physical appearance as an identifying factor. Islamophobia, at its most basic level, is discrimination against the Islamic faith and its adherents. Like racism, it can result in prejudice, exclusion, discrimination, and acts of violence. Learn more about the intersection and the root cause of both - white supremacy.



“The rising tide of Islamophobia has been exacerbated by political discourse, fear-mongering, and sensational media coverage. Let’s do everything we can to change this phenomenon. By taking responsibility as individuals and as a collective group, we can work to create a world that values the presence, perspectives, and contributions of all of us.”

Abdul Malik Mujahid, Founder and CEO of Sound Vision Foundation, 

15 Ways to Fight Islamophobia


Responding to Islamophobia with Guidance in Mind

By Umm Ahmed

The Quran and Sunnah teach us to be kind, compassionate, and respectful towards others, regardless of their faith or background. And, although it is true that many Muslims are marginalized when it comes to practicing their beliefs, we need to be mindful that our responses to adversity align with Islamic values. Take note of some action steps that we all can take to counter the impact of Islamophobia at a personal and community level.


Islamic Guidance

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart - and that is the weakest of faith.”

(Sahih Muslim)


Microaggressions: Insignificant or Insidious?

By Laura El Alam

Muslims – especially ones who are “visibly Muslim” in their way of dressing – frequently experience microaggressions. Writer Laura El Alam recounts an event that happened 11 years ago in a doctor’s office that is still traumatic for her to think about today. Over the years she has learned that empowering ourselves to confront microaggressions can give us more confidence and reduce stress. Get more about the topic and how best to respond to microaggressions in the article.


Interesting Facts


 The results of a study called Islamophobia through the Eyes of Muslims reveal the extent of this problem in the U.S.

  • Nearly all the respondents (97.8%) believe that Islamophobia exists in the U.S. 
  • Almost three-quarters (74%) believe that women are more at risk of experiencing Islamophobia.
  • More than half (55%) have personally encountered an incident but did not report it to the authorities; two-thirds (66%) of those did not know where to report it.
  • Almost two-thirds (63%) report that they themselves or family members, friends, or community members, have been affected by “federal and/or state policies that disproportionately discriminate against Muslims.”
  • Related to the psychological and emotional impacts, most (94%) responded that Islamophobia “affects their emotional and mental well-being.”
  • Almost all (97.5%), agree that the U.S. mainstream media’s portrayal of Muslims is unfair.

You can read more about the survey online at A Look at Islamophobia through the Eyes of Muslims.  


Book Review: Nusaiba and the 5th Grade Bullies

By Miriam Mohamed

Opening up books can be a creative way for parents to open the door to important conversations about bullying. Nusaiba and the 5th Grade Bullies by Asma Hussein is an excellent choice. The book identifies the challenges of Islamophobia and bullying and explores the importance of self-acceptance, confidence, standing up for one’s self, and harnessing our imagination. Nusaiba learns that it is also important to focus on what matters most in life. Check out the review and then check it out from your local library or bookstore.


Online Resources

Reflecting on The Stories of Immigrant Muslim Mothers 20 Years Later - Islamophobia has played a major role in shaping the sociopolitical landscape of Western countries. Here are three stories of Muslim mothers who share the impacts and challenges.

Teaching Muslim Children about the Harms of Bullying - Many Muslim children are bullied. This article provides details about what to do if you find your child in this predicament. 

Countering and Dismantling Islamophobia: A Comprehensive Guide for Communities and Individuals - This toolkit by the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding is filled with details about how to combat all types of social and political hate.

Dalia Mogahed: Risks of Rising Islamophobia - This is a must-see video that answers important questions about Islamophobia and what to do about it.

Islamophobia in Our Schools - This is a nice article by Parents for Diversity and Inclusion in Children's Education about Islamophobia in the Canadian public schools.

Adams World Video: Adam Stands Up to the Bully

Adam finds out that two of his friends are being cyberbullied. He stands up to say enough and learns that Allah supports our efforts to race together for all that is good. The Arabic letter “khaa” for khair and the English letter “G” for good are featured. A nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby called “Virus We Call Bullying” complements the lesson. (9:19)


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Adam’s World Club for children ages 4-7

⏰ Classes held on Mondays-Fridays from 6-6:30pm EDT (22 in all!)

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Join us to welcome Ramadan with two FREE preview classes on Thursday, March 23 and Friday, March 24.

Colors of Islam Club for children ages 8-12

⏰ Classes held on Saturdays and Sundays from 12N-1pm EDT

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Older kids are inspired to refine their understanding and take action to implement the lessons in their daily lives.


Make good use of these engaging courses that are fun for the entire family!

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But you will have to act fast, because the offer closes on March 22!


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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