Nurturing the Next Generation
Project of Sound Vision


10 Community Service Ideas for Muslim Families

By Wendy Díaz

According to, the U.S. government’s website on developing effective youth programs, civic engagement involves “working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference.” For Muslims, it is part of our mission as caretakers of the Earth to enjoin the good and forbid the evil.  The best time to instill these values in our children is during their formative years. Learn more about ten community service ideas that are great for the entire family.


 Parenting Tip

Muslims have a need and responsibility to attend to what are called “civic duties.” Parents should be aware of what these include and how they can help their children develop a community consciousness from an early age.


Taking an Active Role in your School Community

By Sumayya Khan

All children benefit from their parents being actively connected to their community schools. Muslim children in public schools need to see representation within their school staff and boards, and need their concerns heard and considered in order to thrive without compromising their beliefs and morals. Parents should develop relationships with teachers and administrators and also be active in school parent-teacher associations. Writer Sumayya Khan interviews Romana Siddiqui, an Ontario parent who found volunteerism in her child’s classroom to be a stepping stone for larger advocacy roles and even a run for an elected office. Learn more about her story



“We have a right to an agenda like any other community. Politicians should have to work for our vote, and we shouldn’t shy away from where we differ with candidates even when we vote for them.”

Shaikh Dr. Omar Suleiman


Understanding Our Civic Responsibilities as World Citizens

By Umm Ahmed

Muslims are everywhere! We live in Muslim countries and non-Muslim lands, in small towns, suburbs and sprawling cities. Sometimes our homes are in predominantly Muslim neighborhoods or we may be the only Muslims on the block. Wherever we reside, it is equally important to be involved and actively engage in the society where we live. And, this is precisely what is meant by adhering to our civic obligations. Read more about how to take civic responsibility as a citizen of the world.


Islamic Guidance

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: 

“Whoever among you sees evil, let him change it with his hand. If he is unable to do so, then with his tongue. If he is unable to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of faith.”

(Sahīh Muslim 49)


Two Muslim Elected Officials Speak about the Importance of Working on Public Policy

By Laura El Alam

Muslims are a rapidly-growing demographic in the United States and indeed throughout the world. For some, it seems logical that Muslims’ voices should be heard in policymaking and that leaders from our community should represent us, communicating our needs and passing regulations that benefit and protect us. Others, however, contend that Muslims don’t belong in politics. Check out what two Muslim elected officials  have to say about the importance of working on public policy.


Justice For All: Advocacy on a Global Scale

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Adhering to the foundational guidance of enjoining good and forbidding evil starts with the acknowledgement of what is considered right and and wrong. And in this regard, it is imperative that we examine actions and events with an eye toward both detail and understanding. Justice for All is a Muslim non-profit human rights organization that is educating about atrocities that are taking place across the globe. As global citizens who often have knowledge about these injustices, it is imperative that we educate ourselves and take action. Find out more about JFA’s mission, active projects, and how you can get more involved.


Interesting Facts

The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding publishes research data on Muslims in the U.S. annually in what is call the American Muslim Poll. There are a number of interesting facts to check out, but of interest to Muslim parents are the recommendations that are made to educators which include: 

  • Include anti-Islamophobia content in your inclusion and diversity training of staff and administrators.
  • Teach about the contributions of diverse communities, especially those of the children in your classroom.
  • Discuss bullying in your classroom, what it sounds like, and how bystanders can stand up to bullies, including online.
  • Explore your own unintended bias and educate yourself about the children under your care.
  • Provide a concrete way to address bullying by adults.

Online Resources

Why Not Voting May Be a Sin - This is an interesting article that speaks to the importance of exercising your voice as your vote.

Volunteer Opportunity Finder - Islamic Relief has provided emergency relief across the globe since its inception. They also provide a volunteer finder data base of community service opportunities throughout the U.S. 

The Points of Light Foundation - This is a national organization that encourages volunteer service in a wide variety of areas.


Adam’s World Video: Stewards of the Earth

Aneesah works to help big brother Adam notice how much energy he is wasting throughout the day. It dawns on him that Allah has appointed us as stewards of the Earth and with that comes responsibility. The Arabic letter “khaa” for khalifa and English letter “s” for steward are showcased. A Dawud Wharsnby song “Stewards of the Earth” is a nice complement. 8:48


NEW Semester of Online Classes Starts in November!

LIVE online sessions will focus on
Foods Loved by the Prophet Muhammad!

Creative hosts use stories, songs, Arabic vocab, art and cooking projects to focus on a different food each week!

Engaging lessons and a welcoming environment touches hearts and minds!

Mondays-Thursdays, 5-5:30pm EST

7 full weeks of classes - 28 total! Starts on Nov. 7

Unique programming is designed for ages 4-7 years

Family tuition fees, partial and full scholarships available.


LIVE online sessions will focus on
Lessons from the Sahabah! 

Creative hosts use stories, multimedia tools, art projects, and more!

Online games, supplemental resources increase retention and FUN!

Saturdays, 12N-1:30pm EST

8 full weeks of classes - Starts on Nov. 5

Unique programming is designed for ages 8-12 years

Family tuition fees, partial and full scholarships available.


Muslim Home subscribers can enjoy a 15% discount on tuition fees.

Use coupon code muslimhome when registering.


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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