Nurturing the Next Generation
Project of Sound Vision


An Ode to Fathers

By Umm Ahmed

In Islam, there is great emphasis on the status of fathers. While the ultimate authority belongs to Allah, for the sake of social order and compliance, Allah entrusted man with the responsibility to look after his family. Read the full article to get more details about some qualities that make them unique:

  • Paternal authority
  • Paternal affection
  • Financial security

 Parenting Tip

Balancing work and family life is a challenge for all parents, especially fathers. There are practical ways to increase the quantity and quality of the time you spend with your children when you make it a priority.


Prophet Muhammad Was a Great Dad!

By Wendy Díaz

Before Muhammad ibn Abdullah, peace and blessings be upon him, became a prophet and messenger of Allah, he was a father. He married at the age of 25 and with his wife, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, may Allah be pleased with her, he fathered six children. He was commissioned as a Prophet at the age of 40 and had one more child over a decade later. Learn more from the Prophet’s life about what it takes to be a great father.



“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.”

 – Pam Brown, Australian poet


Seeking Inspiration from our Prophets

By Umm Ahmed

The Quran provides lessons about the unparalleled traits of some prophets who were exemplary fathers. They leave behind a rich legacy for the forthcoming generations to learn from. Read more about four of these notable fathers and their children - Prophets Muhammad and his daughter Fatima, Ibrahim and his son Ismail, Yaqub and his son Yusuf, and the wise man Luqman and his son, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon His prophets and may Allah be pleased with His righteous servants.


Islamic Guidance

There is a famous saying attributed to Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him: 

“Play with them for the first seven years of their life; then teach them for the next seven years; then advise them for the next seven years and after that.”


Opening the Door of Friendship between Fathers and Teens

By Dr. Hernan Guadalupe

We are told time and time again that our children are an amanah or trust whom we must protect from evil and danger. Just as the shepherd does his flock, our goal is to guide, direct, and show them the correct path to ensure their safety and security. As parents, we play with and teach them as infants and young children and our parenting strategies necessarily change as they age, sometimes with significant changes during the teen years. Writer Hernán Guadalupe shares his experiences and insights on changes that he made to ensure a close bond and open communication with his teenage son.


Interesting Facts

Fatherhood in the U.S. is changing. Here are some key findings about fathers from Pew Research Center.

  • More dads are staying at home to take care of their kids.
  • Dads see parenting as central to their identity.
  • Work-family balance is a challenge for many working fathers.
  • Most Americans think men face a lot of pressure to provide financially for their families.
  • It’s become less common for dads to be the family’s sole breadwinner.
  • Dads are much more involved in childcare than they were 50 years ago. 
  • When it comes to caregiving, moms and dads are still viewed differently.
  • While they are spending more time with their children, many dads feel they’re not doing enough.

For more details, visit here.


Online Resources

Quality Time with Dad: Tips for Muslim Fathers - Writer Ibrahim Bowers pens a nice article with 13 practical tips to increase together time for Muslim fathers and their children.

9 Ways to Win Over your Dad’s Heart - This is a nice article that reminds us how important it is to keep strong ties with our own fathers.

Myths and Facts about Domestic Violence - Any time we speak about  family dynamics, it is also important to acknowledge that home life is not peaceful for many Americans families. Learn about the myths and realities of domestic violence from this article.


Adam’s World Video: Time to Wash Our Hands!

Handwashing has become an important exercise, particularly as children head back to school. Learn a fun new song from Adam and Aneesah to ensure the job is done well! 3:00


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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