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Nurturing the Next Generation
Sound Vision


Minimizing the Stress for Children with Special Needs

By Miriam Mohamed

Starting a new school year in the midst of a pandemic can be stressful for anyone; starting a new school year in the midst of a pandemic with a learning disability can be even more difficult. Negotiating the transition to school with attention, memory, following directions, and social comprehension is even more challenging. Parents can minimize the stress by following a few simple steps.  

  1. Revisit your child’s Individualized Education Plan.
  2. Share your own details (in writing). 
  3. Connect with your child’s lead teacher. 
  4. Sit down with your child to talk about what to expect. 
  5. Re-establish the daily routine.

Get More Details Here


 Parenting Tip

Look for your child’s special strengths and celebrate the uniqueness of one and all. By these actions, you will be also teaching your child to recognize the value in others. In this way, we can rid the stigma attached to “special needs” in our community.


MUHSEN: Leading the Charge for Inclusion

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Despite clear guidance about the importance of being sensitive to the needs of the entire community, many families who have special needs find the local masjid lacking accommodations and unwelcoming. Muslims must do better individually and collectively. MUHSEN has stepped up to lead the way with a plethora of resources for individuals, families, and local communities. Increase your awareness and be an agent for change.

Read more about it.



I grew up watching my mother (may Allah have mercy on her) struggle with hearing loss and other medical issues. This caused me to be particularly sensitive to others in the masjid who had disabilities. What I still notice today is that masjids do not accommodate properly for people with special needs. So all of us need a change of attitude and need to do a better job remosque-ing this part of our Ummah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) deeply cared about including them in every activity possible. ” 
Omar Suleiman, founder of MUHSEN


Let's Talk Makaton

By Umm Ahmed

If we were to state the basics for survival, other than food, water and shelter, it would be communication. Makaton is a one-of-its-kind language program that uses symbols, signs, and speech to enable people with special needs to communicate with others. And the results can be life-changing! Those who can benefit include:

  • People with learning and/or communication difficulties 
  • People developing their language and literacy skills 
  • Mainstream schools 
  • People looking after babies and young children

Get more details by reading further.


The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, addressing all who have illnesses and disabilities, said, “No Muslim is pricked with a thorn, or anything larger than that, except that a reward will be recorded for him and a sin will be erased as a reward for that.
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)


A Special Child and Special Needs in a Special Time

By Zahirah Lynn Eppard

Special needs children – those with varying learning styles or disabilities, those on the autism spectrum, and kids who have physical, emotional, social and mental impairments – and their families struggle every day. They have also been hit particularly hard during the pandemic. Learn more about the resources that are necessary to meet basic needs from Miriam and her son Noah.


Parenting Stats

Researchers examined data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), one of the largest in-person household health surveys in the United States, and reported that 1 in 6 children from ages 3-17 lives with a disability. Additional research indicates that this number is on the rise and that rates differ based on race, ethnicity, and income.

In the Muslim community, masjids report that their communities are serving people with the following types of disabilities:

  • 67% developmental (27% diagnosed with autism)
  • 17% physical
  • 8% speech
  • 4% neurological
  • 3% mental health
  • 22% had multiple disabilities

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/about_nhis.htm


WATCH: Welcome to Adam’s World

Adam is frustrated that his family and friends don’t like the same foods or play the same games. Then he has a dream and realizes that the world would be so BORING if we were all the same! The concept of diversity is reinforced with a passage from the Quran and also a beautiful song - Sing Children of the World - by Dawud Wharnsby.


The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.

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